View Full Version : DISCUS sick

Fri Sep 22, 2006, 04:43 PM
Hello everyone.
I need help in how to cure my fish.
My husband bought some discus about 2 weeks ago. They were fine until a week ago when one of them started turning dark blue. I know he has a bacteria infection (right?) and his eye is turning white. The smaller discus follows him everywhere but he is fine. What can i do to cure him??
Ny husband wants to just let him die. But I of course don't

Sun Sep 24, 2006, 02:46 PM
Welcome to the forum tinker mama.

We need a bit more information, and perhaps a picture if you can manage it.

First, what size is your tank and what other tankmates do you have in there.

Water temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings as well as hardness.

How often do you do water changes, and what do you add to your water (chlorine remover, salts etc) each time you change the water.

Food - is the sick fish still eating, and if so what. Are the droppings normal looking, or are they white and jelly like. Have you noticed any worms hanging from the anus, looking like a small bunch of white or red cotton threads.

All these things are necessary to make an educated guess about the condition of your fish.

The more information you can supply, the better chance we have of helping you.