View Full Version : Help :! Bought a pair of Discus but all of a sudden...

Sun Sep 10, 2006, 01:19 AM
Hello every1...

ok, so I bought a breeding pair of leapord maze and they loved the new tank for about 5 weeks. They all did not get along with each other and so I put a divider in the middle of the tank to keep them seperated. I did this about a week after I got them. I left one other small discus with the pair. The pair has stopped eating and have been real shy. Do they stop eating when they are gonna breed? All the other discus are eating like pigs and the water seems to be fine.

Should I put the third wheel with the other 2 on the other side of the divider? I dont want to lose them cuzz they were $... stress? stop eating bcuzz they are going to breed? any help would be appreciated... thanks discus friends!


Sun Sep 10, 2006, 04:06 AM
No, they don't usually stop eating when they're thinking about breeding.

Can you describe their behaviour a bit more fully. Like, are they guarding a corner of the tank from the other little discus, or do they appear to be facing the back of the tank and sulking.

After 5 weeks this behaviour is unusual.

I think it might be an idea to remove the divider for a short time and see if they interact normally with the other fish in the tank. Keep a careful eye out for unusual signs of agression, and be prepared to replace the divider if necessary.

Have you noticed any other signs of illness, like a darkening of colour, or white droppings.

It would be helpful if you can post your exact water parameters too. Temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Sun Sep 10, 2006, 05:50 AM
Thanks Lady Red for quick reply...
water temp 85.0f
Ph = 7.0
nitrate = 0
nitrite = 0
ammonia = 0

Its a fully planted tank and I believe that the plants are acting as a third filter. I have a jebo 828 and a fluval 404 on the 100 gallon tank. My 2 Blues that are on one side are doing great and cant get enough food. Now on the other side they are acting like they have no interest in food and could care a less. Except for little discus who will eat @ any time of the day.

I have not found any white poo yet. Will it be visible on the sand? or does it hang from the fish? As I type this they are now hanging out in plain view and are acting normal but when I feed them the male will go to his corner behind some wisteria and just chill. The female will either sit in front of him or sit along side.

I have tried to remove the divider before and the Big Blue male usually shows agression. I only give it a day and put it back in. Should I leave it out for longer? Thanks so much for your input!


Mon Sep 11, 2006, 06:37 AM

Mon Sep 11, 2006, 06:47 AM
Will it be visible on the sand?

Yes it will

or does it hang from the fish?

Nope, if it hangs then its a sign that the fish is not healthy

I will take some time for new discus to adapt into new environment.

It can takes from 1 to 4 weeks.

Be patient :D :D

And good luck :P

Mon Sep 11, 2006, 08:02 AM
Just reading through your reply again, it sounds to me like they may be intimidated by the big blue discus, even though there is a divider separating them.

You're doing all the right things, and I don't really think it's a health issue at all.

Is it possible to give your new pair a tank of their own, where they will feel more comfortable. It's not easy, I know, but when you have two breeding pairs in the one tank, sometimes one pair is just totally intimidated by the dominant pair, to the point of hiding all the time. I know you have a divider in the tank, but I assume they can still see each other, and that might be just enough.

Increasing your water changes may help too.

Mon Sep 11, 2006, 05:41 PM
thanks every1... I will let u know what happens. take care