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View Full Version : Raise temperature to 96 degrees with metronidazole

Thu Aug 31, 2006, 04:38 PM
One of my old discus books recommended raising the temperature from my current 84 degrees to 96 degrees when treating with metronidazole. It claims that the temperature will help kill the hexamita.

Is this still recommended? If so for how long?


Thu Aug 31, 2006, 05:47 PM
hex apparently dies at 98.6 though i wouldn't put the temperature up that high . i've heard of 94 degrees with metro for hex. i think the practice of raising temp with metro comes from koi keepers. i dont know how much it applies to the effectiveness of metro at the higher temperatures required for discus. i have had excellent results at 94 degrees/ 400 mg per 40 litres every 8 hours for 3 days. if the fish is still eating mixing it with food is more effective. for severe cases i've had best results by force feeding metro with a dropper or syringe but i wouldn't recommend that to you :D. it would be a good idea to thouroughly clean your tank, filter tubing etc etc etc. i think the recommended dosage is 250 mg/40l for 3,5,7,10 days. if you have breeding pairs you might get temporary infertility with metro, about 3-4 weeks. i hope i have confused you enough
:lol: :lol: :lol: