View Full Version : Breeding Tips

Sat Aug 26, 2006, 10:44 AM
Hey People,

I am currently feeding my potential pairs a fish mix consisting of scallops, salmon and prawn mixed with some vegies and banana etc..

I am in the process of running a levamisole treatment and soon after will do a prazi treatment.

Why question is - after the meds are done, I will have them in their own breeding tanks, then:

1) should I run a course of tetra cycline to ensure they and the babies are in good health?

2) Should I change the food to :

1x Fish & spirulina mix
1x bloodworms
1x breeders premium

each day to get them spawning ?

I have an albino constantly playing with my blue knight and my RGD and BD as well...

Give me some pointers...


mistakes r crucial
Sat Aug 26, 2006, 09:33 PM
Food sounds good G but why the anti biotic? I don't know but I would have thought that anti biotics in fish were the same as in humans, if you use them when it's not absolutley necessary they may not be as affective when you do really need them. Have you tried playing around with the water params a bit, temp, Ph, w/c's etc?

I found the Albies quite difficult to get going but they were fine after they did start. Another thing I did was to leave water changes out for 4-5 days and then give them a huge one, did the trick with 2 of my pairs. If you can time it with a drop in pressure all the better.