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View Full Version : Nationwide Network of LFS's

Mon Aug 23, 2004, 10:12 AM
OK, heres the concept.

How would it sound if there was a network of LFS stores, say one located in each major population hub, or by state, who were networked to others???

By incorporating such a network, it would effectively bring us, the consumer cheaper prices as they would have more of a market presence, therefore it would be easier to source cheaper goods.

Also, you will find around the country, stores that specialise in various species of fish, why not use this to an advantage, instead of competing against each other, source the stock form the best sourece (in turn that would force the breeders & importers to raise the bar in levels of range and quality).

Also, combined promotions could be undertaken, therefore making the fish keeping hobby more of an attraction to the soon to be hobbyist (addict).

The center of such a network would be a HUB website where each business could promote themselves in an atmosphere that is condusive to keeping the customer happy... none of this, my fish are better, or store X sells trash... they all work together for some common goals, keeping the fish keeping hobby stocked and catered for, increased profitability and "Worlds Best" levels of customer service.

I would feel that so as not to over-saturate the market,

WA would have 1 designated store,
SA 1 store,
VIC 1 store,
ACT 1 store
TAS 1 store (is there anyone down there) :wink:
NSW 1-2 stores (1 SYD Metro, 1 Regional)
QLD 2-3 stores (1 BNE Metro, 1 Gold Coast/Sunshine Coast, 1 Far Nth QLD)

It also would be a network not based purely on profit or self gain, it would require some minimal cash flow/contributions to allow advertising, and some strict guidelines to ensure a certain level of quality control and ethics is maintained.

In return, I feel that the customer base for each business would increase significantly.

What do you think???

any suggestions, or stores you feel would fit this role, please suggest them here... (remember, it is only a concept at this stage)

Mon Aug 23, 2004, 03:13 PM
I think too make this work you would need too open new stores.
Do you mean like there is a target in each state, there would be a "fish soter name" shop in every state?? like a franchise??
Tell you what Ro you pay for the rent and ill open up a store and you can call it "Ro's fish palace".

But yeah it does sound good for the customer, i just cant see it working unless starting from scratch instead of converting existing stores..

Mon Aug 23, 2004, 11:43 PM
The thing is... there are lots of smaller retailers that meet the criteria that I have mentioned above, that are screaming out for more exposure...

so setting up something new is probably not required.

it is just a matter of working around some things, and coming to a common agreement for the benifit of the store, and the customer...

I dont like the franchise type scenario for something like this, more an affiliation set up...

Tue Aug 24, 2004, 10:49 AM
10 stores to keep working together for a common goal over our country,

sounds fishy LOL

might be a hard business to control the direction of so many personalitys that all are thier own bosses without getting some friction at times.. hard job

Tue Aug 24, 2004, 02:38 PM
But when you think about it because you are suppling for 10 stores, purchases can be made in bulk meaning cheaper prices for the customers and in turn giving them more business.
I can see it working, but as Ryan said most LFS own the store so there might be some conflict of intrest, then again what business doesnt.!!!

Tue Aug 24, 2004, 02:41 PM
Like everything in the world, especially in business, there has to be some give and take...

and has been mentioned, especially to do with bulk ordering etc, the gains far outweight any losses.

Wed Aug 25, 2004, 07:50 AM
Great concept

hard to execute

Sat Oct 16, 2004, 04:46 AM
sounds pretty cool to me, from a customer view, lol

Sun Jun 25, 2006, 10:36 AM
So did this just go out the window?

Sun Jun 25, 2006, 11:48 AM
More than likely. Its tough enough running one store let alone trying to coordinate more stores.

Sun Jun 25, 2006, 01:02 PM
'Ro! I think it's a fab idea!

if I knew there was a store involved in something like this, it would be fantastic, I'd definitely shop there! (oh, and yes, we have someone in Tasmania... me!

If I might make a suggestion about the Tassie part, make it 2 stores. (yes yes we're greedy, but I have a reason) There are 2 Trends in Tasmania.

In Tassie, to live where you drive one hour each way each day is total madness, (they look at you like you have a -third- head! :D).

Hobart->Somewhere vs Somewhere->Hobart.
People from Hobart seem thoroughly and totally convinced that to travel from hobart to somewhere and back will take them longer than someone from the same place -going- to hobart and back.

-Everything- happens in Hobart, which is OK for those of us in the East of the state (myself included), but the people in the West of the state really don't have any direct route to Hobart, they come through Launceston, making something like Zeehan to Hobart 7-8 hours of driving. (I'm originally from Burnie, approx 4 hrs drive from Hobart)

So, my reason for 2 stores is: Anyone more than an hour from Hobart will likely go to the Launceston store, which people from Hobart most likely won't go to, because it's not in Hobart.

I'd totally go to a store involved in Launceston, and I know a few Aquarists here who'd likely be the same!

*attempts to revive a great sounding idea*

Sun Jun 25, 2006, 03:09 PM
Considering this thread is 2 years old I think this alliance of sorts has already taken place.
It is called: (wait for it) www.discusforums.com.

Sun Jun 25, 2006, 03:17 PM

dare I ask if there's a branch opening in Tassie anytime soon?

to my knowledge I only have access to one actual Breeder, who produces some nice fish, but nothing really -special- Blue Turqs, the occasional Red Dragon (actually I want one of those, :lol:) but really doesn't have much range.

I'd really like to know who's available in Tassie, as I could probably convince my partner to come with me to Hobart to look at fish (and do other things) however going to Melbourne and beyond for a fish is probably more than he could handle right now...
