View Full Version : professional tank removalists/movers???

Mon Aug 07, 2006, 02:58 AM
Hi guys,
My house is settling in about 4/5 weeks and as yet I haven't found the ideal new place to live. I can stay with my girlfreind (she has a small tank also)as she is renting month to month but we are buying together and hopefully we would like to only have 1 move as I think 2 moves in quick succession could stress my discus too much.

Has anybody used a professional service for moving their tank? Or even an aquarium that could look after the live stock and keep the cannister filter going for a couple of weeks? I'll most likely be o/s on business the week my house settles and my girlfreind is not capable of taking on moving all our gear let alone 1 or 2 tanks.

Inner Melbourne locale.

Thanks in advance for any advice,

Mon Aug 07, 2006, 04:08 AM
I'd suggest you contact some of the local aquarium shops, like Subscape in Richmond.

Tell them you're from Discus Forums, and ask if they can they offer any advice.

Speak to Justin if possible.

Tue Aug 22, 2006, 11:36 PM
Thanks Ladyred,
Justin is helping me out. I'm moving the tank to my office for a month or so until everything is settled with the move.
