View Full Version : dying discus

shlap daddy
Mon Jul 24, 2006, 09:12 PM
i recently introduced two new discus to my tank. 1 pigeon blood and 1 blue colbalt. within two days the colbalt was dead. The pigeon blood still hasn't eaten and its been about a week. I've noticed that my original two discus also began to act funny so after some research i treated the tank for parasites. now all seem to be doing ok except the pigean blood. it won't eat and barely comes out from the corner or behing the plants and also seems to breath more rapidly than the others.

Is this normal? Is there anything i can do besides changing the water?
All water paprameters are right on track Will any other fish die?

p.s. This is a great forum!

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 09:21 PM
anything else out of the ordinarly, like poop,color ?

shlap daddy
Mon Jul 24, 2006, 09:47 PM
from what i can see everything else seems normal
I have other fish in tank ( cardnal tetras and coty cats) and thay seem to be doing fine.

Tue Jul 25, 2006, 04:59 AM
Welcome to the forum. We need a bit more information to figure out what's happened here.

First up, can you post all your water parameters.

I need pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.

What was the pH of the water for the new fish, and what pH is your tank.

It could be a form of pH shock.

List as many details as you think important, and we'll try to sort things out for you.

Tue Jul 25, 2006, 05:43 AM

what size tank, what type of filtration, what substrate if any?, how often do you water change?

can you supply a picture please!

shlap daddy
Tue Jul 25, 2006, 09:39 PM
Thank you so much for responding. My tank and parameters are as follows: 75 gallon tank
2 - emperor 400 filters
2- 150 watt heaters
fake plants and fake corals and caves with smooth gravel substrate
my ph is 7 my ammonia is 0 my nitrites are 0 and my nitrates are less than 5 ppm. I test with a master test kit from aquarium pharmaceuticals (i have know idea if its a good one, this is my first big tank) and i change about 30% of my water twice a week.

the ph of the 2 new discus was also 7 and i acclimated them to my water for about 90 minutes.

only 1 discus seems unchanged (still eats alot and comes to the front of the tank) the other two don't eat and shy away towards the back of the tank. all other fish in the tank are acting normal( 6 cardnal tetras, 2 cory cat fish, and one betta fish).

i hope there is something i can do to help these fish, thanks again :)

Tue Jul 25, 2006, 10:02 PM
What is your water tempture? Is there a big difference between the tank water and the new water? What do you use to treat your water? Does your PH swing up and down after water change? Does your water temputure go up and down after water change? Did you QT your new fish? For how long?

I remember once I forget to treat my water when doing the water change. Needless to say, the fish were in big trouble and few of the were dead before I realized what happened. Since your other fish are OK, I don't think this is the case.

shlap daddy
Wed Jul 26, 2006, 12:19 AM
I treat my tap water with stress coat for the chlorine. our tap water here in the city actually is just about 7 ph and is fairly soft. I keep the temp at 84 degrees (i don't know what that is in celsius) and i do my water changes with a digital therometer so the temp is real close.

After the first fish died I treated the tank with Jungle brand -Parasite Clear tank buddies and turned on my air pump because i've read that meds suck up all the oxygen.

I went to the store where i bought the sick fish and the guy told me maybe there wasn't enough O2 in the tank. When i looked in his tank at the store all the small discus were breathing rapidly and all the blue colored ones looked weak and were hiding. Maybe the one fish was just sick, but i set this tank up for my 3 year old daughter and i'd hate for all the other fish to die. It was hard enough explaining why one died and it was only in the tank for 3 days!

P.S. i did not quaritine the new fish (i have no other tank) and i treated for parasites only as a best guess. my good fish dealer (not the one with the sick fish) said that it couldn't hurt as long as i didn't treat for anything else for two weeks thanks again guys