View Full Version : My discus in there new tank

Sun Jul 23, 2006, 11:03 AM
Well i ened up moving my discus in with all the other fishys in my 4x2x2 planted tank and thought i'll post up some pics and the water is a bit bluish is becuase of the "Algae Fix" product i dose every 3 days to remove to try and remove some little bits of BBA.
If you look at the pics you will also notice the size of my java fern that's pearling 8-) as well as every other plant in there. 8-) 8-)

Water Parm:
Co2:5ppm :?

Worked my co2 on one of those calculators and it said that i have 4.8ppm of co2 but my tank is pearling alot so imagine bumping up the co2 a bit :shock:

Hope you guys like and let me know what you think of the RT's if there stunted or maybe a little under feed etc etc..

Cheers guys..

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Sun Jul 23, 2006, 12:12 PM
awesome looking tank, those discus should grow up to be quite nice, i have to say unfortunately they d look a bit stunted.

Juts make sure they all get a good varied feed a couple times a day an they'l get a bit fatter

Sun Jul 23, 2006, 08:43 PM
Ok thanks mate yeah i'll start giving them a bit more food each day and hope they can pick up in there growth... to be really honest i think they got stunted when they were in the previous tank due to me being away and not able to feed them 2 times a day and my only getting a feed of a night.

This might come across as a dumb question but if the discus like mine are getting to be on the stunted side of things can you kinda grow them out of it so they become quite big again or is it to late to make get any good growth?

Thanks Nathan for ya reply.. :D


Sun Jul 23, 2006, 09:52 PM
you cant really grow them out of it, but if you keep up good food an water changes they will still definitely grow they just will still have that larger eye an wont get as big as they would normally.

small frequent meals is the best thing, id be feedin them in the mornin an afternoon. You should make a thread on the food an nutrition part of the forum askin more details.

what type of lights r u using?

Sun Jul 23, 2006, 11:45 PM
I'm using 8 36w 6500K rating tubes and injecting co2 through a dupla set up and got 3200LPH turn over in the tank with canisters..

Thanks Nathan for your help

are my fish going to turn out something like this :( :(

http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/1406/turquoisediscus1ep3.th.jpg (http://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=turquoisediscus1ep3.jpg)

Thanks Nathan for ya help :D

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 12:27 AM

First off what a lovely tank you have...

I must say yes your discus look a little on the stunted side but read through this thread Discus Growth, a visual journey (http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7666[/url)

Benny's discus wernt exactely the best lookers as young but certainly turned out to be some very nice discus...

Start aiming for a minimum of water changes of 4o% ...Try feeding 3 times a day with a morning feed of flake or pellet, a afternoon feeding of beefheart or brineshrimp and a night feeding of another food of your choice...

Keep up what your doind at the moment and there will be no chance for your discus to grow out of it...Your discus are not to badly stunted so you can change it just like you can change the eating habits of a overweight kid so he or she will grow into a fit and athletic child...

But if you leave it too late it becomes increasingly harder and less likely...

Your fish have lovely colours so it will be a shame if they dont reach near full potential....
& no i dont think your fish will turn out like that along as you start feeding them more and doing larger water changes...


Mon Jul 24, 2006, 12:55 AM
Thanks heaps i might have to look into buying a automatic fish feeder or something..

Thanks again i hope i can save these guys :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 05:36 AM

Pm Ben about getting some of his home grown BH mix :wink:

NO reason with a tank that size with a ton of good feeding you can get some degree of recovery,

update us with pictures in due course

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 08:38 AM

Pm Ben about getting some of his home grown BH mix :wink:

NO reason with a tank that size with a ton of good feeding you can get some degree of recovery,

update us with pictures in due course

Cheers mate i started feeding in afternoon (3:00pm) and then again tonight (8:00pm) hope this will help with growing also 20% w/c every 2nd day :D Even though my nitrate won't go above 5ppm through out a week :wink:

Cheers mate and Ben lives in vic i'm qld :lol:


Mon Jul 24, 2006, 10:06 AM

purchase a product called Nitro zorb and or Bio zorb. It will 100% improve your readings.


Mon Jul 24, 2006, 10:55 AM

purchase a product called Nitro zorb and or Bio zorb. It will 100% improve your readings.


Have u used this before what improvements did you see? :shock:

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 10:58 AM

I swear by it now. Consider it a better form of charcoal filtration.

zero readings bud ,, gets rid of everything including tannins in your water. it took my ammonia readings to zero as well
Taksan swear by it as well.

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 11:00 AM
personally I don't like to use algae killers in my tanks, as they tend to be a bit rough on the fishies.
personally I'd use less lights and see where that leaves the algae... 4 of those 36w tubes are plenty in my opinion. I only use 2 x 36w tubes on my 4x2x2 and only one of those is a grow tube, the other a normal daylight flouro. my plants are doing fine and if I need to control algae, I shorten the light cycle.

can't wait to see your tank with that red lotus in it ;)

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 11:21 AM
to be honest that's the first time i ever dosed the algae fix stuff to see if it removed the bba and it hasn'r so far so i'm gona just leave it it doesn't look to bad and there isn't that much.

Cheers mate and yes i'll be ordering the tiger lotus soon this week sometime :D :D

i'll keep you guys updated :wink:


Tue Jul 25, 2006, 05:33 AM
Hi Rick

fyi bud , ill pm you more info if you like

I use a packet of each in the one cannister.

Tue Jul 25, 2006, 05:51 AM
Cheers mate i saw that product on APW and it seems like a very good product BUT could someone tell me if Seachem Prime does what it claims to do such as turn ammonia in harmless ammonion and make nitrate and nitrite easyier for the filter to suck up and remove heavy metals etc etc..

Cheers guys for ya help..

The only reason i'm asking about if prime does the same thing is becuase i'm on a bit of a budget but if prime isn't going to do what i need it to do i'll be serious considering the bio zorb and nitro zorb..

My tank is 400L so how much of each bio and nitro will i need each canister filter? 1200LPH and a 1500LPH :D


Tue Jul 25, 2006, 06:03 AM

Id rather remove it than turn it into a "safer" form. Saying this I cant see why you couldnt use both ( but your on a budget )

my tank is 460 litres and im still on my first packet. ( added it to my cannister on the 15th of July. Im not expecting to change it till I see tannins re appear back in the water ,,,say 6 - 8 weeks time.

good luck with whatever direction you take :)

Tue Jul 25, 2006, 06:58 AM
well i've thought about it and i'll go with getting nitro zorb and not worry about the bio zorb becuase i'm on a budget and the prime should take care of the heavy metals etc bu like you said it would be better to remove the nitrate etc ...

The question i ask is 105g treats 75L of water did you worry about this or just used 105g of it?

Here is the link i'll be buying it off i hope your only using 105g and if so how long has it held the nitrate in pouch?

Cheers mate for ya help! :D


Tue Jul 25, 2006, 07:20 AM
well i've thought about it and i'll go with getting nitro zorb and not worry about the bio zorb becuase i'm on a budget and the prime should take care of the heavy metals etc bu like you said it would be better to remove the nitrate etc ...

The question i ask is 105g treats 75L of water did you worry about this or just used 105g of it?

Here is the link i'll be buying it off i hope your only using 105g and if so how long has it held the nitrate in pouch?

Cheers mate for ya help! :D


hey :)

NItrazorb will do the job on your nitrates etc.. bio chem zorb will do the job on the heavy metals hehe. I got it to kill off the tannin and it also absorbed the odour of it.

You only get one pouch per container . Despite the recommendations Im finding one will do the job easily.

nitrazorb - 210 g per pouch
bio chem zorb - 283 g per pouch

To date its been 11 days since i first added it to my tank , tests show no need to replace or add more pouches.

Within 3 hours I could detect a visible diffrence. 6 hour mark I started raving about it online.

next day i couldnt believe how clean the tank looked.

Tue Jul 25, 2006, 07:36 AM
Nick, do you think it would help get rid of green water ? ...

Tue Jul 25, 2006, 07:46 AM

well according to the product write up of Bio chem zorb you think it would.

It states that it removes organic waste, toxic heavy metals in fresh water. It removes aquariam polutants, toxic gases, water discolouration, foul odours and phenols.

nitra zorb eliminates ammonia , nitrite, nitrate specifically.

both dont contain phospate

Wed Jul 26, 2006, 06:17 AM
Here is a new pic of the tank hopefully David/GP might be selling me some new plants as well as my favorite the Red Lotus :D :D :D

I'll keep you guys up to date 8-)

http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/4456/picture094yi5.th.jpg (http://img55.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture094yi5.jpg)
