View Full Version : Bossing Her Around

Sat Jul 15, 2006, 09:24 AM
My male discus is being agressive towards the female. Chasing her into a corner and then striking with his mouth. Flicking his body agressively towards her.

Is this part of normal courting, does he want to breed and shes not ready.

She laid eggs a couple of weeks ago so i thought they had a happy relationship?

Should i seperate the two?

Please help.


Wed Jul 26, 2006, 10:22 AM
im having the same problem with my 2 yellow marlboros. there only 9 cm big though. will they pair up over time? if anyone could help that would be great thanks

Wed Jul 26, 2006, 11:27 AM
woops delete this

Wed Jul 26, 2006, 11:28 AM
if i was you id keep a close eye on them, if it becomes obvious the female is getting just stressed by it then byt all means i think you should sperate them.


Wed Jul 26, 2006, 12:04 PM
im having the same problem with my 2 yellow marlboros. there only 9 cm big though. will they pair up over time? if anyone could help that would be great thanks

Your fish are abit too young to be breeding (Unless stunted) .. have they laid eggs before ..? If not i believe you most likely have two males...

Go and buy youself another 2-3 discus and you will have a very high chance of getting a pair ... :)

Thu Jul 27, 2006, 08:11 AM
I am having the same trouble my 2 the male (I think) is a little bit larger than the other one would that have something to do with it? Also last Sunday the smaller one which I think is the female was cleaning the cone and doing quite a few practice runs up it with her breeding tube quite visible but when I went down the next morning there was nothing on the cone and her breeding tube was not as visible, do you think that she laid and ate the eggs before morning or just didn't lay at all ? She is about 11-12cm .