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View Full Version : I've gone metro

Sat Jul 08, 2006, 01:35 AM
As I've posted in other threads, I'm having a few seemingly minor niggles in my tank at the moment. Some of the symptoms have included stringy poo, thick pale poo, one or two deaths where bloating has occured as well as some other random disappearing, and some fish not putting on any growth for extended periods. Decided on dosing with some metro possibly followed by prazi or levamisol for worms.

Well I got a whole 24hrs into the treatment and freaked out. :lol: Added metro to food the other night turned off lights, went to bed. I was out all day yesterday, working and helping a mate move(the curse of owning a ute). Got home around 11pm, turned tank lights on expecting dead BN everywhere(another thread) and ready to re-dose.
Long story short, no dead BN but everything was lifeless around tank except for ghostknife which would live with cockroaches after an A-bomb. My recent Red Alenquer purchases were lying on there sides against the driftwood.
I freaked out big time! 50% water change was done and within minutes they were back to life and good as gold. I guess I woke them up and they were just snoozing?????
I'm such a pussy

Sat Jul 08, 2006, 04:33 AM
For a second there I had a heart attack and thought you had lost everyone.... :-o

must have been napping..... I would have been a pussy too!!!!! LOL

glad they are ok!

Sat Jul 08, 2006, 10:41 PM
I think I've come to the conclusion that they need a worming so I'll hit them with some prazi in a few days. Just to make sure that the metro didn't knock them around as much as I thought it did.

Sun Jul 09, 2006, 10:03 AM
natural alteratives that may have some benefti are both garlic and pumpkin seeds in the food
the pumpkin seeds need to be shaved/ground fine and mixed in with food(i am not sure how well this works)
the garlic must be fresh garlic , there are scientifically proven antibacterial,antiviral and antifungal properties associated with allicin and other chemicals released in freshly crushed garlic
lots of science and pretty easily taken by most fish

if people are making their own foods addition of these is quite useful
