View Full Version : Anyone use the Eheim Filters with heater in them?

Wed Jul 05, 2006, 10:44 AM
Wanting to get rid of the heaters in the garden tank and wondered if
anyone has an Eheim - which has a heater in it?
Feedback, Cost, model name/number etc appreciated. Tank is 6x2x2
650Lt and runs at 25degrees (Don't panic - No discus in this one) Cheers

Wed Jul 05, 2006, 10:57 AM
a 2128 would do it but you would proberbly need two of them
I've got some of them and they are typical Eheim quality
VERY expensive at $700 odd

What you really need is the new 2180 Pro 3 coming in November it would be perfect for your needs and one would do the whole tank


Thu Jul 06, 2006, 12:15 AM
Thanks Taksan,

I'll probably wait till Nov. then. Not urgently needed just now, but having to
strip tank & move it for renovations, for a week and thought its a good time to swap things over. Hopefully one of our sponsors will stock them and ask for orders in October.

Thu Jul 06, 2006, 12:11 PM
i was also gona ask same question too lol
i hate seeing heaters in tanks, i thought of put heater
the filters but im aware that glass may crack, humm mabe 300 watt
stainless steel heater be the answer.
ps vicky i wouldnt want o move the 6 fter too much cos they the tank
it self is too heavy, imposible to move it on own and struggel to find some one that would help, all the ppl whom i ask are too lazy to lift up heavy! and hows your fish,, cheers ben

Thu Jul 06, 2006, 12:23 PM
Heya RichVic,

Have you thought of using a Hydor Inline heater ? 200W is for 12mm tubing and 300W is for 16mm tubing. You just insert one inline on the output tubing of your canister filter. Around $90 - $110 depending on which model you buy, no intank heater needed :)



Dee. :)

Sun Jul 09, 2006, 02:25 PM
I second the Hydor inline heaters. They are great. I run a 300w on my 400l tank it has never failed.
