View Full Version : GUTTED!!

Mon Jun 26, 2006, 10:46 PM
Deep in our hearts we all knew that the socceroos would not make it all the way. But to go down like that, 10 seconds left from a soft penalty. This is not the way the dream was suppose to end.... not so soon.... not like that! :cry:

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 01:21 AM
That was the most heart wrenching loss I could have imagined.... THE LAST 10 SECONDS!!!!

I couldnt watch but I had to!!! I couldnt cry but I wanted do!

I am so proud that the guys got so far... but it would have been better if they lost "fair and square" not from a very controversial penalty!!

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 02:26 AM
Hear hear !!!


Tue Jun 27, 2006, 03:00 AM
I'm not a big fan of soccer and never have been but give me an Aussie team and I'll wave a flag at it and yell til I'm hoarse.
That is almost up there with losing the last Rugby World Cup to England. Still a very open wound. :evil:

I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories but soccer has had it's scandals and it seems like FIFA will do a lot better now that the Aussies are out.

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 05:11 AM
I dont think we need to mention the heart of the aussie team - it goes without saying that they are champions. However, the real issue here is the exceptionally poor referees that have taken the aussie games.

Croatia comes to mind - handball, viduka tackle, disallowed goal
Italy - penalty (NO WAY) and even that red card shouldnt have been a send off.

Thats a horrible way for the soccer to finish.


Tue Jun 27, 2006, 07:05 AM
I'm Sorry, that you guys are out.
But touching on what G - 1000 said, the referees are very poor overall!
I bet if that penalty on the last 10 seconds, was against Germany, it wouldn't have happened.
My team was screwed by the referee as well, :banghead :banghead when he gave the second yellow to Deco for no reason at all!!! Bastard.

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 10:54 AM
My personal opinion is that the ref didnt want to go into extra time.! LOL

but seriously the refereeing in alot of these matches has been substandard... I didnt see this many bad decisions in the last world cup or the one before!!!!

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 01:05 PM
but it would have been better if they lost "fair and square" not from a very controversial penalty!!
i think you're insulting your australian team by even calling that penalty "controversial".. it was far from it. 10 out of 10 people including any referee who will watch the playback will agree it was a complete mistake... nothing controversial about that one: the guy tripped over a stomach of a player who was down

(off topic rubbish edited out by mods)

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 01:26 PM
at the end of the day, the Italian's won and we lost........

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 02:26 PM
I think you are insulting every Aussie here by calling them warmongers.
Pull your head in and keep things in perspective and on topic.

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 03:57 PM
hmm dont remember calling Aussies warmongers though, but ok... i was just making a point that this match was not the only thing that was not fair.

Sat Jul 01, 2006, 01:26 AM
wowser the german argentina game was amazing, shame it ended up in penalties with the germans winning.

Argentina coach quit the job minutes later!

Love ths game but maan is it stressfull! back to the AFL , GO THE PIES!!!

Sat Jul 01, 2006, 06:17 AM
thanks for telling me what happened.... I just couldnt keep my eyes open any longer.... Last thing I remember is thinking..."dont concentrate on staying awake sam, you making it worse, oh I cant focus on the ball, I have to stay awake......" next thing I knew it was 5.oo and the next game had just started and I had no idea who had won the last one!!!! My stamina is starting to fade....

Sat Jul 08, 2006, 02:34 AM
ha ha ha stamina sam!

i went to the movies last night for 1050 session. Pirates of the carribean.

Fell asleep in the theatre.. ill have to re watch the movie :(

its a great movie tooo i just couldnt keep these old lids open.

Sat Jul 08, 2006, 04:36 AM
Ha!! I think all the late nights definitely get to you... now I have to go to be early on Sunday night to wake up and 5am on Monday for the Final...

I did it last week ... I m sure I can do it ONCE more!!!

I loved the first Pirates of the Carribean... was what you saw of the second one as good as the first? Sleepy head!!! LOL

Sat Jul 08, 2006, 04:51 AM
it was No2

awsum movie! just couldnt keep my eyes open :(

went gold glass, those comfy chairs are just awsum.

Sun Jul 09, 2006, 04:54 AM
I saw hitchhikers guide to the galaxy at gold class.... Wow!!!! It was fun... sipping red wine, eating lollies, laughing my head off... very enjoyable...