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Mon Jun 26, 2006, 04:10 PM
i have no idea about this fish or nothing.
but i have a snail infestion from it being planted. and well a month later there are hundreds.. i heard that loaches will help this and eat them
well i have a discus tank and its pretty much full i have ottos and i will be removing them once i can catch. the like idiots are chasing my other fish around. i was in a hurry to get away from the brown algea i had it was horrible.
but all is well except the snails.
as i have to have minnows in there they will be removed if the discus dont eat them. as the fish store said they would but they arent.
so can i get some loaches or not?

Mon Jun 26, 2006, 08:48 PM
I had a huge snail problem after putting a new plant in my tank.

I bought 6 clown loaches and they certainly did the trick but they grow very quickly and 6 was too many in my 420 litre tank.

I got rid of 3 and have kept three and do not have a sigle snail.

I have the clown loaches with the following and do not have any problems

Rummy nose tetras
Cardnal tetras
Glass catfish
Cory Cat
Siamese algae eaters
Honey Dwarf Gourami
White Tip Ornate Tetra
Mystery Snail

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 12:33 AM
i have discus. minows, dwarf gouramis and ottos and cory cats.
and ur having no problems with you ottos?
mine are horrible for trying to get the fish.
on swam up to the gourami and sat on him sucking on day for a few minutes.
i will have to check for some loaches thanks for your help.

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 02:18 AM

Clown Loaches are definately the go - they just love Snails - all you will have left is Shells!!


Tue Jun 27, 2006, 02:22 AM
thanks marg. i was just making sure.
i measured all fish to adult size but they are all under. so i will just have to get rid of some.
esspecially those ottos.

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 12:20 PM
keep in mind they will get to 30cm or so but that takes many many years

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 04:50 PM
i plan on buying them all a bigger tank.
like a 200-300
but that wont be for a few years. i might settle just for the biggest i can get where i live which will be i think 180