View Full Version : Moving Wrigglers?

Sat Jun 24, 2006, 01:44 AM
Hi all,

Does anyone have any ideas on how to safely transfer wrigglers from one tank to another?

I have a pair (Marlbor Red Male, Pigeon Blood Female) who have a small spawn of wrigglers - they have transferred them from one spot to another and at this time the wrigglers are still attached to the wall of the tank - not free swimming yet.

Once they are free swimming I would like to transfer them into a smaller tank but don't want to do it if I am likely to lose them - it has taken me ages to stop them eating their eggs and get to wriggler stage.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.,


Sat Jun 24, 2006, 03:20 AM
suck them up and transfer them.
i dont know how different discus eggs are from other eggs but it should work.

Sat Jun 24, 2006, 03:27 AM
I thought of trying to "suck them up", but not sure what to use.

Any ideas?


Sat Jun 24, 2006, 04:06 AM
dont transfer them unless you absolutaley have to marg! you want to get them out of a community tank i take it? it would be better to leave the pair with the wrigglers then move the pair and let them settle in to spawn again. if you move them it is more then likely they will go back to egg eating again.

hope this helps! :D


Sat Jun 24, 2006, 04:41 AM
So are you saying just leave them in the Community tank?

If they become Free Swimming and the Wrigglers attach, would it be safe to move them then?


Sat Jun 24, 2006, 05:28 AM
i just meant with a vaccum.. like a regualar spyphon thing.

Sat Jun 24, 2006, 05:47 AM
I was thinking of a Turkey Baster, but G.P. has me a bit worried now, so I'll wait until G.P., Crocky or Ben or someone like that who has experience with Fry can reply.

Don't want to lose them - waited too long to get them!!


Sat Jun 24, 2006, 07:34 AM
if they become free swimming then you could consider moving them. i would leave them myself if they were free swimming cecause then the pair is obviously doing a good job and that is some great experience for them to get. they will become more protective that way too.

you can move them but if they can get them that far in the community then they can do it in a breeding tank. beast not to upset them IMO.



Sat Jun 24, 2006, 08:43 AM
Thanks David. I'll watch them then and see how things go.


Sat Jun 24, 2006, 12:06 PM
Hiya Marg,

Hope things are all going well for ya there.

I wouldnt be to hopeful that the babies woudl survive in the community tank. You would normally say dont disturb them and seeing this is a troubled pair in raising fry i would agree.

What i would try to do is move the pair after all this is over. Then get them settled into there own tank. I know this may be a problem f available space but you will get the best results by doing it this way. The babies grow the fastest when left with the parents so this is what you really want to do in the initial weeks, apart from how time consumin git is to hand raise fry.

Hope you can finally get soem breeding action happening down there.


Sat Jun 24, 2006, 02:00 PM
Hi Wayne,

I have been able to put a partition up to keep the other fish away from them, unfortunately it is near the inlet pipe - was worried about them getting sucked up so I have put a bit of white filter wool around it. I don't give them much chance of surviving, but Mum and Dad are both very intently fanning them and Dad attacks the gravel vacuum when you go to clean the floor of the tank, so I'll just watch and wait.

Depending on how things go, I will definately move them into a smaller tank next time - the only reason they were in the larger tank was because they were real bad Egg Eaters and i had given up on them. What a pain - next time they laid they decided not to eat the Eggs - just had to do it in the wrong tank, didn't they :evil: .

Thanks for your kind words. I'm not going to let it get me down - Eventually some good has to come from all of this!!.


Sun Jun 25, 2006, 03:39 AM
Give me a ring Marg asap you need to move the pair and wrigglers asap before they freeswim.
