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View Full Version : Dyed fish and fish cosmetic surgery... PFK

Wed Jun 21, 2006, 03:07 AM

The article describes fish cosmetic surgery as a "bold and creative concept". It suggests that the processes involved in cosmetic fish surgery are less invasive than those used by Michael Jackson:

"Compared to Michael's 'brave deeds', to perform tail reconstruction surgery on blood parrots and flowerhorns would only be a small molehill compared to the Himalayas", the article says.

"Many have shown great and grave concern over the issues of 'pet cosmetic surgery'. What we have observed is: Despite countless protests and efforts by SPCA and other animal-loving organisation and support-groups, such surgical processes are still be carried out equally, if not more rampantly. These fishes that had undergone the 'facelift' operations command a much higher premium than the normal fishes which have not."

Wed Jun 21, 2006, 03:36 AM

that article is bloody disgusting. What more can I say?


Thu Jun 22, 2006, 02:42 AM
I can't believe a reputable magazine as this has such an article without tearing the story to shreads for what it is. In short, fish mutilation. :evil:

Thu Jun 22, 2006, 03:40 AM
Note the article was published in Fish Loves magazine, a Singapore Chinese language magazine. PFK picked it up and published a critique on that article, translating some parts of the chinese article into english for it's viewership.

By no means is PFK condoning such acts.

Thu Jun 22, 2006, 05:21 AM
Thats disgusting.

I cant believe that is endorsed anywhere in the world.

Thanks Kev - you always provide us here at the forum with the latest


Thu Jun 22, 2006, 05:37 AM
I feel sick just having read that....

Thu Jun 22, 2006, 07:01 AM
I remember seeing the article posted on a forum somewhere. Mustn't have been this one. Exactly as PFK says, it shows pictures of what to do in a step by step format.
I find it hard to believe that people find those Parrots attractive full stop. Dyed, tail or no tail. They look hideous :evil:
Same as balloon Rams

Sun Jun 25, 2006, 01:16 PM
*throws up*

those are -disgusting- When I realised Painted Glassfish were dyed, they totally lost -all- their appeal to me, and when the kids of friends asked their folks for them for birthdays, I warned the parents. Parents explained to the kids, Kids said "yuck" (I suspect because the dyes fade in 12 months and they didn't know that either).

I think that's the worst bit, the poor fish are forced into this stuff, and then it's only temporary and unwitting people who like colour buy them, and 12 months later, when the fish lose the colour... well... :S