View Full Version : [Video] they got eggs today!

Thu Jun 15, 2006, 04:29 PM

Video of them.
I'm really exited, i'd never expect this to happen, but it did!

Fri Jun 16, 2006, 12:55 AM
Congratulations, wonderful video!!.

Aren't these little machines great - much better than photo's - they would be fantastic when someone has a sick fish and needs help from the Forum (I only wish I Was smart enough to be able to transfer the video to the Computer - I'm not really Computer literate), that way people could really observe the problem and be able to diagnose easier, but back to the happy couple - they seem really intent on their job don't they?.

You will most likely find that you will lose the spawn in a Community tank but don't worry, let them spawn a few times in there to get the hang on it then transfer them to a smaller bare bottomed tank and hopefully you will become a Grandparent!!

Good luck,


Fri Jun 16, 2006, 05:43 AM
i love that video its great. congratss.

Fri Jun 16, 2006, 06:45 AM
thanks marg & shayesmommy :)
really exited about this.

i'm off for the weekend, so it's up to my gf to take care of them all when i'm gone.
hopefully the eggs will be there still when i get back.

how long does it take before they get out of the eggs?

Fri Jun 16, 2006, 07:47 AM
depends on water temperature and who you ask. should be between 2-3 days and around the same time to be free swimming.

Fri Jun 16, 2006, 09:02 AM
i was at the aquariumstore, where i get all my fish, they said that a couple of fish, that laied eggs, cost from about 6000.-
a "single" normal discus costs 275.-

(divide by 8 to get in dollars)

could this be correct? and then, does mine go as a breeding pair now, and is worth more?

i'm not asking because of greed, it's just that i wonder.