View Full Version : Discus Breeding?

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Sun Jul 16, 2006, 02:08 PM
we are yelling because we have said bye for the umpteenth time, :D

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 02:45 PM
Now don't be like that Brilliant -

I wish you'd stop talking about smoking though - I'm trying to give up! (and no I don't litter with my butts( everytime I turn on the tv i see people smoking - now its in this forum! aaaaargh).

I reckon you must feel like you've stirred up quite a bit of a hornet's nest - there's been quite a number of stinging attacks! - I could say you've brought this on yourself not so much by what you've said, but by the intolerant attitude you have shown to the opinion of others - but I wont!

What I will say is I think you're to be commended for your obvious interest and caring attitude towards your fish - well done.

I don't really think you need to foxtrot oscar - hang around and in time you'll get used to the fact that there's two issues here - discus keeping and communication. I'm sure in time you'll come to appreciate that a lot of the ribbing here is in fact good natured - you only have to look at the number of views and posts to this thread to see the level of interest you've inadvertently or otherwise - generated - not to mention the amount of "admirers" that you have caused to change signatures!
Anyway, i've learnt a lot and enjoyed this thread immensely!

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 02:47 PM
Plus, you've allowed me to become a blue diamond Eeeh Hah

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 03:23 PM
Now don't be like that Brilliant -

I wish you'd stop talking about smoking though - I'm trying to give up! (and no I don't litter with my butts( everytime I turn on the tv i see people smoking - now its in this forum! aaaaargh).

I reckon you must feel like you've stirred up quite a bit of a hornet's nest - there's been quite a number of stinging attacks! - I could say you've brought this on yourself not so much by what you've said, but by the intolerant attitude you have shown to the opinion of others - but I wont!

What I will say is I think you're to be commended for your obvious interest and caring attitude towards your fish - well done.

I don't really think you need to foxtrot oscar - hang around and in time you'll get used to the fact that there's two issues here - discus keeping and communication. I'm sure in time you'll come to appreciate that a lot of the ribbing here is in fact good natured - you only have to look at the number of views and posts to this thread to see the level of interest you've inadvertently or otherwise - generated - not to mention the amount of "admirers" that you have caused to change signatures!
Anyway, i've learnt a lot and enjoyed this thread immensely!

Well well I guess I cant leave it at that. I know there are some of you out there that are caring enough to agree with me.!?! I hope! OMG

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 03:24 PM
Plus, you've allowed me to become a blue diamond Eeeh Hah

Yah, I hear yah. I noticed it wouldnt show my signature uynless i posted again so theres your closing post above. Cya.!

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 03:33 PM
here's my closing post

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 03:34 PM
Gulp ............ Please Brilliant ............... we were just joshing ......... we do agree with some of the things you say, but not all of the things you say ..... Yous still haven't answered my Questions . please don't leave me in suspense


Sun Jul 16, 2006, 03:38 PM
sorry brilliant but your frequently recurring last posts, just dont cut it with me,
Marg how's your pair going, did you get another spawn ???

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 03:41 PM

Does this mean that we are back to sensible questions and answers amongst ourselves without an Expert on the side? How boring - whatever are we going to do?


Sun Jul 16, 2006, 03:44 PM

in answer to your Question - they are quivering and hovering around their site, just getting ready as I type. Fingers crossed. How are your Fry going? I'm really thrilled for you - must be a great feeling.


Sun Jul 16, 2006, 04:05 PM
the fry are doing great, still not a single loss. the wc's are becoming a bit of a drag, i read an interesting article about artificially rearing fry using rotifers, they got a 95% survival rate and apparently no difference in size. i'll try that next spawn and let you know how it goes. hope your pair get it right this time. didn't you 80 odd wrigglers the last time ?

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 09:44 PM
What do you mean by rotifers(pardon my ignorance).

Sun Jul 16, 2006, 11:49 PM
What do you mean by rotifers(pardon my ignorance).

Rotifers are microscopic aquatic animals that are often used to feed fry that are too small to be fed BBS (Baby Brine Shrimp)

Gulp ............ Please Brilliant ............... we were just joshing ......... we do agree with some of the things you say, but not all of the things you say ..... Yous still haven't answered my Questions . please don't leave me in suspense


I am too marg...

I have a Siberian Husky and an Alaskan Malamute at home and I keep them in a refrigerated biodome in my backyard to recreate their natural environment.
I plan to breed them and create striated Sibaskan Huskamutes but only if I can accurately control temp and conditions will this be possible

This is exactly what I think about when I read all of your posts. My neighbors dog...Siberian Husky...sitting outside on the hot concrete in the summer laying around like they are dead. But boy that dog sure did look cute when it was a puppy....( Rodbog says....DUR...lets just get it because we can...oh yeah it looks cute too)...thats selfish to me and I think its terrible.

I guess I am just an animal lover. Oh yah call the police because ur not keeping pH correct...LMAO...that was the funny one. If its not illegal it must be right huh? LOL do you guys have any morals? Wait dont ansewr that its just my point I am not coming back again. Type what you want Im done.

I realize your all too dumb to comprehend what I am saying here. And too dumb to realize the reasoning of my suggestions. Too dumb to realize I my goal is for the Discus to have the perfect habitat and help anyone get it. Wihtout your trash buffer or pH down. Mcclaughlin2 your dumb as nails when it comes to Discus and water parameters, youve read all ive read when it comes to additives like that and you still ask the same dumb question.

As youve all grown sick of me for being strict and/or harsh. Ive grown sick of your stupidity. If you dont realize the fact that higher pH is suggested because of convenience your kidding yourself. Just like that smoker that throws their butt thinking its not littering.

Some people actually care about the pets they keep. Reading your posts makes me sick in the stomach. You could all care less. I may have been the ignorant one here thinking this way, you sure as **** made it easy for me.

Have a nice life :)

Heres a piece of the article i was talking about (Its out of a Tropical Fish Hobbiest Magazine)

"Discus will live and breed anywhere in the PH range of 5.0 to 8.5. It is a myth that they must have acidic water to be happy and healthy. I know of several people who have raised many discus fry at a PH of 8.3. The tank-raised discus normally available have been bred for generations in captivity. They are usually bred in conditions that vary greatly. Wildcaught discus are a different story-they need at least at first, a duplication of their natural water conditions. They eventually can be changed over to your local water conditions."

**This has been taken out of TFH magazine. Author - Tom Neal**

Brilliant-it is not fair too say that we are cruel to our animals....you may have not said it in those words, but thats certainly what your trying to say....

EDIT:Due to taken being spelt yaken...

Mon Jul 17, 2006, 01:10 AM
Rodbog says....DUR...lets just get it because we can...oh yeah it looks cute too...thats selfish to me and I think its terrible.

I shall for everafter be known and refered to as "RODBOG"!!

I apologise for using sarcasm Brilliant as it's obviously an art you are yet to master and recognise. I live in an apartment and have no biodome and am not planning on having any Sibaskan Huskamutes.

As for you McLoughlin2... haven't you been warned about cut and pasting? :roll: As a result, your article can no longer be considered relevant :roll: :wink:

See Brilliant, sarcasm! K Thx

Mon Jul 17, 2006, 01:29 AM
and how dare you suggest a ph between 5-8.5. Discus are highly specialized fish and can only survive in a ph of exactly 4.2. what if God forbid, some newbie were to stumble across the propaganda you have so shamelessly cut and pasted. you could be charged with being directly responsible for discus genocide. sorry Macloughlin but that just does not cut it with me... :evil:
oh and K Thx...

Mon Jul 17, 2006, 02:11 AM
ROBDOG!! (wasn't sure if you're using the "!!" as part of your new name)

I pronounce you Sibas in recognition of your efforts with a new breed!

Good Lord Mcloughlin!

TFH must be a magazine of ill repute to suggest such blasphemous figures!:lol:

I know the quote title's a tad shocking, but when "wrote" is appended to the end, what can you do?

Mon Jul 17, 2006, 02:16 AM
What? only 3 Posts and now it's been 10 hours and still no further Expert Advice :?: :?: .

Guess he really meant it this time - probably gone to another Forum to try to convert their members to his ways :D :D .

I think he generated more interest than anyone ever has on the Forum - like I mean 14 Pages :shock: ?

He made me feel a bit guilty sometimes - poor misguided feller, but then he'd come back with his overbearing attitude and force me to stick my bib in - and I would have to have my say.

I do have to admit that he generated a lot of interest (took me nearly all day yesterday to do my water changes 'cause I kept checking the Forum and near splitting my sides), but he didn't seem to understand that the whole aim of the Forum is to share information in order to learn and help one another. Different strokes for different folks. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.

A good example is Crocky - he doesn't seem to stress out like some of us do in order to get his Fish to breed and rear fry successfully - he keeps things pretty simple and you've got to admit he is very successful - then along comes someone like Diamond who won't say how long he has been an expert Discus Keeper, doesn't declare that he has even raised one Fry but nevertheless is much more knowledgeable than all of us on this Forum combined - and how dare he infer that we don't love our Discus - IMO most of us are obsessed with them!!

He was funny though, wasn't he? Raised the Comedienne in all of us. Even Rytis couldn't get me laughing as much as he did. His cut and paste bits really cracked me up, especially as he was a real Expert when it came to them :lol: :lol: :lol: !!! (new name for you Samir - "King of Cut and Paste") :lol: :lol: .

Alas poor Diamond, we knew him well. Vale Diamond, may he rest in peace.


Mon Jul 17, 2006, 02:32 AM
(new name for you Samir - "King of Cut and Paste") :lol: :lol: .
K Thx :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mon Jul 17, 2006, 09:35 AM
Sorry guys, I'm locking this thread. It was terribly funny, but I think it's gone on long enough.

Samir that's a very interesting article, and I've given it it's own heading. I'm sure lots of people will be interested in that article.