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View Full Version : How to stabalize the PH

Wed Jun 14, 2006, 07:15 AM
I have BIG problem to stabilize the PH in my discus tank,..
Before the PH swings downward, so i keep adding the PH up sometimes every 2days, but i get tired of it... and i asked for help in the forum. Many suggested to put some Shellgrit and ensure that no leftover or limit the food when feeding the fish... I have done all of this and the result was perfect but unfortunately it doesn't last long. The PH turns to go up :(, i remove some shellgrit but still same thing happen until i remove it all... To bad it came back to the old problem... PH keeps on going down... I don't know what to do any more, i put back some shellgrit again.. and see what happen next...

My question is, is there any anything i can do to avoid this problem... PH going up and PH going down... I clean my tank every week, minor clean with 25% water change and major clean 50% - 60% water change alternating week...

Wed Jun 14, 2006, 08:01 AM
what is the kh of your water from the tap, and in the tank ?

Bill T.
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 12:31 PM
I used to use shell grit but found it to be a bit too approximate. Now I use kH generator, one teaspoon at water change time, which keeps my pH at 7.0 - 7.1. You should be able to buy some from the lfs, plus get a kH test kit. I try to keep the kH reading at about 2 or 3 degrees.

Also, keeping your tank clean helps - how long since you have cleaned your filter? I found if I have a build up of sludge in my canister filters this can tend to lower the pH. Definitely if you have a dead fish, or build up of unused food, this will promote acidity. If you have any ornaments in the tank, make sure you lift them up & clean underneath.

Wed Jun 14, 2006, 01:00 PM
The KH generator is the way to go as suggested, but there is no easy way to control water parameters, you may not have to add much more PH up or down, but still you will have to add KH generator to maintain a level that is desirable.........and that doesn't always work either.........who said aquariums were simple ???

How much does your tank alter in PH value from day to day, a few degrees over a few days up or down is almost unavoidable, and shouldn't hurt your fish too much.

Thu Jun 15, 2006, 12:42 AM
I clean my tank every week, i am not monitoring the kH level but it looks like this will help so i will do it from now on... yup keeping up an aquarium is not that simple but its worthwile, since it help you to relax after work... and also make your time bz during weekend...

pH drops by .2 - .5 every day when i remove the pH grit, but when it has it ph risen by same amount i think...

thanks you all for the advice,...

Bill T.
Thu Jun 15, 2006, 04:23 AM
My experience with kH generator is that I get a constant pH a little above neutral - there is a chemical explanation for this. So I keep the kH reading at about 2 or 3 degrees. Whilst there is even a little bit of kH, you will have pH a little above neutral. Adding a teaspoon or two of kH dosen't risk your fish the way pH up can do, and takes longer to be used up. So, a nice margin for error.