View Full Version : Whyalla SA .... Town of Wonders

Sun Jun 11, 2006, 01:54 AM
when you think of Whyalla, known for its steel manufacturing plant, beautiful sights don't really come to mind. The two largest structures are the steel plant and the gas manufacturing plant. however, just a short drive out of Whyalla id Fitzgerald Bay, and if you're lucky enough to have hired a campervan, there's a free camping spot there. You look out in the morning across a mirror smooth bay, watch the sun come up with the love of your life in your arms, watch the birds darting into the water to catch fish (and if you watch them long enough you understand there's actually a pod of dolphins herding the fish). Suddenly you realise life is wonderful.
But that's not the end of it ...
If you're there at the right time ...
If you try not to think of the 18 ft great white female which was following a 15 ft fishing boat just a couple of days earlier (described as "fat" on the local shark report) ...
If you brave the cold waters armed with a wetsuit that makes you feel like the michelin man (an insane amount of weights strapped to you to keep you down ... and rocks in your pockets, cos the insane weights aren't enought!) ...
Then you feel true amazement, true wonder, at life ... and you feel humbled and joyful and a whole range of different things ...
You feel alive !!!!
Every year between May and August the cuttlefish come into the bay outside Whyalla, close to shore to breed and lay their eggs and then subsequently die ... in the late 90s they were almost fished out to extinction and in a breeding ground which once held hundreds of thousands in a very small area, they counted a mere 100! Some of the locals banded together and demanded a sanctuary, and finally since 3 years ago the cuttlefish have a permanent protection zone. My girl and I went there last week, and just returned yesterday, awed by these wonderful creatures and their complexities, their abilities, their incredible modes of communication. We both feel like we've been on another planet, a feeling also re-inforced because we were the only two divers out there during our stay! AMAZING!!!!
here's a couple of pics of my girlfriend and I took while diving out there, enjoy!

Sun Jun 11, 2006, 02:00 AM
and a couple more

Sun Jun 11, 2006, 03:19 AM
Wow! chris, those shots are great!!!!

Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time....

I never realised that cuttlefish looked like that.... I just think of the thing stuck on the side of my budgies cage...LOL

What a beautiful creature...

Sun Jun 11, 2006, 11:29 AM
wow what awsum pictures

if you have other pictures please post

You have yourself some awsum snapper grounds too!

Sun Jun 11, 2006, 11:37 AM
Hi Chris

Great photo's mate,you better enter them in the next photo comp.A few saw winners there.


Tue Jun 13, 2006, 06:29 AM
I really envy you being able to swim with the Fish. Beautiful Photo's. Lucky you!!!


Tue Jun 13, 2006, 12:09 PM
Great photos Chris, I know Whyalla well, but haven't dived with the Cuttlefish there yet, the region is becoming world acclaimed for the Cuttle fish spectacular. I have dived with Cuttlefish many times and they are amazing creatures, very inquisitive. The biggest one I ever seen was under the Rapid Bay jetty years ago, this Cuttlefish was almost the size of a Tractor tyre..........in which it was living 8-)

I went to the S.A.R.D.I. aquatic sciences open day in Adelaide a little while ago, and they had lots of tanks of fish and squid on show, and there was one cuttlefish that would come over to the glass and look at you if you tapped on the glass...........very comical.........and this is it 8-)

Tue Jun 13, 2006, 02:31 PM
we almost went under at rapid bay jetty, but the day we had it scheduled for the water was too choppy :(
my friend in adelaide's been there a couple of times and says there's also seadragons ...
aparently it's the place to be!
take yourself up to Whyalla sometime and dive with the cuttles if you have the chance, by end of july there will be thousands of them!

Tue Jun 13, 2006, 10:17 PM
Another good spot for seeing Leafy Sea Dragons is the Bulff at Victor Harbour just on dusk, enter the water from the Bluff pier and look carefully........sooooooo good 8-)

Wed Jun 14, 2006, 08:23 AM
we went to the bluff at VH, too, but it was even choppier there :(
beautiful view though, but we froze our proverbials off!

Wed Jun 14, 2006, 11:58 AM
Curious about the Whyalla dive with the Cuttlies, was that a boat dive or shore and what sort of depth were you in, appears shallow in the pictures ?

I'm always blown away by the rapid speed at which Cuttlefish change their colour, a veritable kalidescope. 8-) They are easily enticed to come over to you to say hullo by imitating part of their courtship mating ritual, just raise your fore and index finger as in a old style peace sybolic gesture and wriggle both fingers repeatedly, they are intrigued by this and can even be handled sometimes.

Years ago we used to have a favorite trick with cuttlefish when we found them while diving..............gently grab one, aim it towards your mate and enshroud your dive buddy in a cloud of black inky ooze......not so sure how the Cuttlie felt about it in hindsight, but it was a laugh :lol: