View Full Version : Anti-parasite medicated food for internal parsites.

Mon Jun 05, 2006, 08:27 PM
The medication is by jungle.
it has both the pArg(blah i dontknow how to spell it) and the levimosal
it says it aids in control of internal flagellates,trematodes and cestodes whichinclude hexamita(hith)spironucleus,intestinal worms,tapeworses and nematoodes e.g camallanus.

it says to feed 1-2 times daily
feed excksuceky for 3 consecutive days a week for 4 week,
do not use other foods during three days.

the two meds lady red said to use for worms and such as a percaution.
well i also read you shouldnt use the two together?
and this one has both.
and i really dont think there is any other things i can use at the pets store with seperate things. i looked at one store at every med and this is all i came up with.
any ideas and help would be appreciated.

Mon Jun 05, 2006, 11:06 PM
ok so i went to the pet stores here. that three and nothing contianing either by themselves.
and the only thing they do have is this stuff.
so any help on how to do this will be great

Tue Jun 06, 2006, 01:30 AM
i dont see any problem with it. what is the brand name ?

Tue Jun 06, 2006, 01:48 AM

Tue Jun 06, 2006, 03:43 AM
i guess if its up for sale then it probably works. i meant the name of the product. is it Jungle Anti-Bacteria Medicated Fish Food™. maybe you could do a google search, there could be some people around who have used it.

Tue Jun 06, 2006, 03:59 AM
yes thats what it is.
its just for internal parasites. what about extrenal although i dont see anysigns.
i have a very very dark discus but no signs of illness other then being dark. very dark actually.
water is good. i've been doing water changed every day about 30-50% due to a bad algea problem.
all other discus are happy and nicely colored.
discus went dark about 4-5 days after getting him about 2 weeks and 2 days ago.
he eats and acts alright but tends to hide alot. which he didnt really do when we first got him.
but he does come out to play.
eats well
all fish are eating lots and good.
do i really even need to treat with this then. or is it just percatuionary

Tue Jun 06, 2006, 06:32 AM
maybe you could put it seperately and try feeding it the medicated food.