View Full Version : how do i get rid of these parazites in breeding tank?

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 11:34 AM
i figure i can clean the tank, but what about if filter is well cycles and contains them? any suggestions?
WOULD STERILIZER TAKE CARE OF THEM? i would like to avoid using sterilyzer if possible, because i believe babies would be stronger, but if it would eliminate these parazites i will

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 12:10 PM
Oh no, Rytis, that's Hydra. Deadly to very young fry.

A UV won't help get rid of them, so you are going to have to sterilize the whole tank, filter and all, and start again I'm afraid.

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 12:30 PM
i think copper based medication may kill hydra but it will probably kill the fry as well. i noticed you had some plants and stuff in your tank. next time rytis try keep an absoulutely bare tank with just the spawning cone and a sponge filter covered with white filter wool and the heater with the black plastic above water and nothing else. and deworm and defluke your pair before you add them. eventually everything will fall in place .

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 06:05 PM
thx, yea next time the tank will be totaly empty, even pot will go out as soon as babies are off, i will even find light color plastic panels for corners and silicone them around the bottom (that's where babies have been hanging out a lot) filter intake will be in white, heater right near the top....

and i have to find a way to minimise the current, any suggestions on that? its a penguin power filter where water drips over the edge, raising water in the tank to the top slows it down but it also reduces air bubling near the bottom, so im not sure....

anyway, i still got 5 fry left

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 09:43 PM
Use a sponge filter rytis...

Your power filter will be too strong... :wink:

You need to leave the cone in the tank permananteky while you want the pair to breed and raise young...

Taking it out will only disrupt the pair even more...

will even find light color plastic panels for corners and silicone them around the bottom (that's where babies have been hanging out a lot) filter intake will be in white, heater right near the top....

There is no need for that btw... :P

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 10:38 PM
thx, i counted 7 fry few hours ago, so theres still hope things may be good enough, although it would be interesting to see a whole swarm of babies around parent, but maybe this way only the strongest few will survive who managed to beat the strong current and those parazites..

if i use a sponge filter, would i need the air bubbler for oxygen? coz my power filter is producing tons of that even near the bottom, which i think fishes like....

another question: the babies arent suposed to be on there all the time, just occasionally, right?

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 11:26 PM
you attach the air pump to the sponge filter.

Fri Jun 02, 2006, 05:49 AM
Rytis, the babies should be almost constantly on the parents sides. They rarely spend time away from the parents, maybe just a few seconds then back to the parents again.

Fri Jun 02, 2006, 10:27 PM
theyre almost constantly on parents now (two of them, 3rd i just killed w water change)

will pleco eat Hydra?
coz if so, then my problem will be solved, i don't think i should even need a sterilyzer, or you think i should patch it in there?[/b]

Fri Jun 02, 2006, 10:34 PM
That is NASTY STUFF Hydra,, did a little net surfing and I cant get over how bad this bug is ! !

Rytis found this link to be of great value.

Refer to http://www.inkmkr.com/Fish/FlubendazoleArticle.pdf

You mentioned putting in a U/V again

Red said "A UV won't help get rid of them, so you are going to have to sterilize the whole tank, filter and all, and start again I'm afraid."


Fri Jun 02, 2006, 10:54 PM
A pleco will not eat it....

And i did say not to do a water change... :roll:

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 02:16 AM
A pleco will not eat it....

And i did say not to do a water change... :roll:
are you SURE pleco will not eat hydras??? :?:
and yes i did think about your advice not to change water, but it's no big difference: two main problems are without any doubt 1. hydras and 2. dark objects and 3. too big of a current in beginning 4. direct sunlight...

i have a strong feeling the next breeding attempt will be succesful.

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 02:26 AM
rytis you have to nuke the tank, no other options. you dont want any other fish in ur breeding tank, just the pair, and get the tank out of the direct sunlight please.if you wanna change water use air tubing with an airstone that way you fry wont get sucked out.

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 02:43 AM
yes tank is moving, but i just carefuly checked other 3 tanks (with plecos in them) and didnt see any hydras...

i think this is no coinsidence that the one without plecos all this time is the one that has hydras.... i raise mosquito larva outside and all the nasty stuff is comming in from there no doubt.... but hydras as i see are mostly sticking to the glass so i think pleco should eat them. but yes, i will clean the tank fully and i will use sterilyzer, i think it will suck up/kill all the rest of the crap..

im getting there...

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 02:44 AM
two main problems are without any doubt 1. hydras and 2. dark objects and 3. too big of a current in beginning 4. direct sunlight...

i have a strong feeling the next breeding attempt will be succesful.


thats four main problems not 2 bud... if you research it further you will find that you will probably lose all fish if you dont nuKe!

can you update with pics?

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 03:36 AM
ill take tomorrow morning if couple of fry are still there.....

main problem with nuking for me is that it means i have to cycle a new sponge filter, because most likely hydra is probably in all my tanks unless eaten by plecos, which means i wouldnt be able to breed for like a month??? :(

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 03:37 AM
im reading your article now btw, thx for the link...
didnt find anything there though

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 03:54 AM
my plan is this:

1. totaly nuke the tank itself
2. allow pleco, use same cycled power filter non nuked, no plants this time, sterilizer without sponge protection.... until parents lay eggs
3. when eggs are about to start hatching, remove pleco, switch to weak sponge filter only...

plus nothing dark in tank, no sunlight....

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 05:21 AM
rytis all u need is
1. mature sponge filter attached to an airpump
2. spawning cone or pvc pipe
3. heater with black part outside water
4. normal 2 foot tank will do, covered three sides or painted
5. peat to soften water
6. breeding pair
7. no pleco or any other fish
8. patience

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 10:31 AM
"mature sponge filter attached to an airpump"
being a quite an advanced aquarist, its embarassing but i gotta ask: how do these sponge filters get hooked up to... air pump? maybe you know a link to a diagram, i was doing a search on several sites to purchase sponge filter, it's like $10, but im not sure if it's just a sponge or what,

i have a maxijet, can i do like this:

input of maxi jet pump is attached to filter tube covered with sponge filter wool.. perhaps sterilizer in the middle (or not)

output into a hose with many many small holes to make a very gentle no stream output.... and perhaps a small hole to catch the air and add air bubbles...

i have al these, should this work?

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 10:44 AM
lol rytis you attach a sponge filter to and airpump with airline tubing, bought from your aquarium store.

mate seriously you are making life SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard for yourself. FORGET the uv sterilizer and pumps and other crap for now! dude seriously all you need is a air driven sponge filter (sponge filter attached to air pump via airline), a heater and a spawning cone in your tank. THATS IT! no pleco, no sterilizer no power pump etc. mate you need to trust the advise you are getting here! it is top notch.

first nuke your tank. dont worry about breeding for the next month... it isnt important and certainly the least of your worries. get thes hydra under control and go from there. you are getting to ahead of yourself. once you have got your tank sorted out THEN worry about breeding your discus.

it is as simple as that. the more complicated you try and make it with sterilizers etc the more problems you will get.

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 12:34 PM
being a quite an advanced aquarist,

LOL ..... oh really?

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 01:04 PM
rytis just get any sponge filter. it will take an "advanced aquarist" about 3 seconds to figure out where to attach the air tube . lol :). i'll post a few pictures for you tomorrow just in case.

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 01:12 PM
STAND BACK PEOPLE .... We have an advanced aquarist working here

LMAO Rytis you crack me up

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 01:13 PM
LOL yer rytis i have to agree with the others... an advanced aquarist definetly knows what a sponge filter is and im not having a shot at u bud but for an advanced aquarist you sure have a lot of "HELP ME" posts. lol

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 02:27 PM
LOL yer rytis i have to agree with the others... an advanced aquarist definetly knows what a sponge filter is and im not having a shot at u bud but for an advanced aquarist you sure have a lot of "HELP ME" posts. lol
yea, well the smartest people are always the ones who are not afraid to ask questions, and thedumbest people i know always interrupt when you're tryting to explain something to them saying "i know how to do this"....

FELLAS, you are talking here to a guy who went on vacation for over 4 months and had all his discus survive without a water change, ok... that is called advanced aquarist.

Sat Jun 03, 2006, 02:39 PM
We all judge our own capabilities and experties one way or another.

Rytis by definition "not doing w/c for four months and having no casualties" is not defined in my opinion as being an advanced aquariast.

I believe a persons expertise can be judged on his ability to spawn several generations of his own fish,,, but then thats just me.

Im going to lock this thread before we end up with more flames then you can poke a stick at.

I hope you all understand. If there are any issues with me doing this take your complaints to me in private.