View Full Version : First Batch HELP!!!!

Wed May 31, 2006, 04:21 AM
Hi all,

My Pigeon blood finally have theit first batch of fry after month of spawning and eating their egg. Althought not 100% hatched, but I am still very excited :lol: :lol: :lol:


What should I do next???? When do I feed their brine shrimp (have bought some eggs since their first spawn in Dec 05). Should I hatch the brine shrimp now??? How do I feed them??

But a sad news is, they are currently not in a bare bottom tank, they are in my display tank (I had move all my other discus and corydoras to my new 6ft except 2 small bn) and this tank is running with cannister filter. Should I stop the cannister and add a sponge filter??

Thanks in advance. :D :D :D

Wed May 31, 2006, 04:23 AM
and finally... why are they "gathering" around the plant rather their parents :? :?

Wed May 31, 2006, 04:43 AM
umm i read somewhere they have to be the darkest thing in the tank to attract them. i will read up on it somwhere. i know i seen it somewhere on here and i will let you know.

Wed May 31, 2006, 04:45 AM
ok so here is the post by ladyred in a previous thread i hope it helps somewhat..

"Discus fry are attracted to the darkest thing in the tank. It should be the parents, but black things will just confuse them. Wrap anything black in white filter floss to make it less appealing, if you can't remove it.

Dim your tank lights. The bright lights in a bare bottom tank seem to dazzle the fry, and send them to the surface. Turn the big tank lights out for the first week, and just keep a small lamp on 24/7 so the fry can find their parents.

After a week when the fry are firmly attached to the parents, you can turn the tank light on again."

Wed May 31, 2006, 05:27 AM

in a nut shell thats why bare bottom tank s are ideal for breeding.

fry have the cone and the parents and thats it !

Id love to seea progress on this to see if they do attach to mum and dad once free swimming.

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 05:28 AM
:cry: :(

I found less fry today...

:( :cry: :( :cry: :cry:

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 05:35 AM


Thu Jun 01, 2006, 05:46 AM
aww keep trying.
goodluck again

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 08:03 AM
The parents will sometimes move a batch of fry before they are free swimming. Most likely the parents moved them to a safer location ie the plant if its a different place from the spawning sight. You can raise fry in either type of tank but it is much easier to clean a bare tank. Next step is for them to attach to parents which can take a couple of days. You can start to brew your brine shrimp as it will take a couple of days for them to hatch, whislst this is happening the fry will feed off the parents. Hope this helps, good luck.