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Fri Aug 06, 2004, 03:11 PM
I inherited a discus today and it has fin rot.

I am kind of new to discus and have had traumatising death experiences already...=(

I have received so much advice, but not sure how to put it together:

Fish is in 3*20*14, ph 6.6, no nitrite. T=28C Canister filtration w/spray bar Water changed 2 days ago

This is the treatments I have at my dispersal:

1. Salt: been recommended to add 2xtblspoon to tank. sufficient?

2. Aquamaster - Multicure

3. Aquamaster - Tri-sulfa tablets

4. Melafix/Stress Coat

5. Waterlife - Myxazin (expensive but does it work better?)

I have already commenced myxazin....and about to add salt.

Any suggestions or how to use my medications more efficiently if at all?

I find keeping discus difficult and at times frustrating, but the experience is very rewarding.

Thanks for advice.

Sat Aug 07, 2004, 07:08 AM

I've found pimafix to work pretty good on fungus. Just follow the directions on the bottle and change 25% every other day.

Sat Aug 07, 2004, 07:42 AM
Salt is 1-2 table spoons per 40litres.. or 10gals..
Melafix or Primafix are also a good treatment without having to result too meds.

Sun Aug 08, 2004, 11:18 PM
maybe increase the temp a degree or two as well

Mon Aug 09, 2004, 10:46 AM
Thanks...I think he is improving, water condition is relatively good and he is basically the only fish in...

swimming around lively and fins are not clamped up.

Fri Aug 20, 2004, 06:54 AM
Great to hear the improvemnt. That is always a good feeling. Just keep up on the water changes and I am sure the Discus will come around.

Sun Aug 22, 2004, 12:34 AM
My expensive beautiful, Powder blue jack dempseys (young) are clumped together on the tank bottom under rock, clamped fins, swim motion jerky, scratch selves on sand, However eat very well.

Added salt, water temp now 82 F.
Treating, second day with melafix. Calles for 7days of treating.
Prior to treatment of Marycin-two, failed to cure.
Please what can i do.
Jacks slone in the hospital tank 38gal.
Thankyou for your help.

Removed caps - please no more

Sun Aug 22, 2004, 12:38 AM
Pardon my spelling,
that was salt added, and 82 degrees temp.
Also, the maracyn treatment was for 5 days. And copper safe was added.
Thankyou again
Redtegu I.E Powder blue jack Dempseys.

Sun Aug 22, 2004, 01:46 AM
We're not experts on Jack Dempseys on this forum, however a lot of diseases are common to all fish, so I'm going to advise you to test your water first. It sounds like symptoms of too low pH. Did youdo a water change or filter thru carbon at the end of the Maracyn treatment. If not do it now. Then report back with details of pH, ammonia levels and Nitrite. Also age and history of fish (did you breed them or buy and how long ago. When you do your water change do not add any meds just yet (except for chlorine remover) and get back to us. Doa big water change like 50% Good luck.

Mon Sep 06, 2004, 02:29 PM
My pb had lost most of its tail within one day. Melafix and salt, though stopped it in its tracks. And now it's recovering well.

Mon Sep 06, 2004, 02:41 PM
redtegu -
PLEASE NO CAPITALS - I used it then because i am shouting, that is when it should be used, it also makes it hard to read. And ticks me off because i have to edit it.

So please i ask you too refrain from using them, unless you feel the need to express yelling..

Other than that enjoy yourself....

Mon Sep 06, 2004, 03:16 PM
Had a very nice PM from redtegu advising that his jack dempseys had recovered and thanking all for taking the time to offer advice