View Full Version : breeding tank, what do i need?

Tue May 16, 2006, 07:15 AM
hi guys ive never bred discus before but im wantin to buy an setup a breeding tank for them. id probly buy a 3 foot barebottom tank, just what else would i need, ive seen everyone uses just a simple sponge filter, with using that how would i be able to lower the ph (id like to use peat) but how do i go about it just with a sponge filter? also what type of light would i need? and also would an R/O unit help or be ideal? if so any details about that.

basically im just after a really detailed description of what i would need to get and do if i was to setup a breeding tank.


Tue May 16, 2006, 07:59 AM
i'd probably go for a standard 2 foot tank or 2 X 2 ,and ,paint 3 sides white with a sponge filter(covered with white wool or a filter where you can pull a sponge or wrap wool over the intake). keep all dark stuff like the top of the heater,either covered or outside the water. lighting should be low. especially with the lighter fish, pigeon blood etc.your fish has to be the darkest object in the tank coz the fry go for the dark stuff. with fish like the turks which go really dark its not too much of an issue.if you use a powerful filter, the fry being tiny will get sucked up and start living in the canister filter, then the'll eat all the filter media and you'll get a massive ammonia spike in the tank, after that they will get so big that the cannister will explode and asio will be all over you with dogs and helicopters and you'll be all over the news and the remnants of the filter will be shown on tv as some kind of a chemical bomb. john howard will call you a terrorist and the greens will want to rehabilitate you, by taking you to Tasmania to hug trees. :twisted: hope that helps( at least parts of it) :lol:

Tue May 16, 2006, 08:58 AM
samir, u forgot to mention to nathan that he might be label a terrosist.
nathan all u have to do is keep yur experiment somewhere low profile, where not much people can disturb what you are up to.

Tue May 16, 2006, 10:19 AM
samir, u forgot to mention to nathan that he might be label a terrosist.
nathan all u have to do is keep yur experiment somewhere low profile, where not much people can disturb what you are up to.

Goldfish if you cant say something constructive please dont say anything at all... :D

Nathan, what variety of discus are you thinking of attempting to breed?

For your first time, id reccommend you go for a darker strain such as a turk, malboro red etc...

I wouldnt get any golden discus or albinos as they can be very hard to get the fry attached too...lights are not a must have but some breeders use a night light when the fry first start free swimming...


Sam :P

Also IMO a 3ft would be abit big but it is possible to use one...it just makes it a tiny bit harder for the fry to find their parents...

I think you need,

1) 2x18x18 or 2x2 tank
2) 100 watt heater
3) Ph, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite test kits
4) Sponge filter

I think they are the main things needed..well anything else has slipped my mind at the time being...lol

You do not need a R/O unit and you will not need any peatmoss as from what ive heard down there in melbourne the water is very soft and perfect for discus....

Tue May 16, 2006, 10:27 AM
thanx for that, it does help alot (apart from the all the terroist crap). ill probly have a look around at the LFS for a tank but ill buy the other things from APW. thanx again mate


Tue May 16, 2006, 11:31 PM
before you do all that, you should have them spawning in the community tank a few times. if the're an established breeding pair then you should go for a tank etc. you should consider using a uv sterilizer as well.

Wed May 17, 2006, 12:25 AM
i was planning to use a u.v steriliser. ok i went to the LFS today an found a tank 2x18x18 which looks good and comes with a stand with the right height an things like that. but the dilemma is that ill need a grow out tank, and im runnin out of room and dont really want to have to spend to much more.

so i thought maybe id be able to get a longer tank an put a divider in the middle for the parents then the otherside a grow out tank. or if i had to id buy another tank as a grow out tank.

what would be the minimum size people would use as a grow out tank?
also ive never used a stainless steel heater (the external control sort of heater) would that be ok if i used one like that?

and with the lighting would this light be ok to have?

i just want to work out every single detail as i want to get the equiptmeant right the first time so then i dont have to buy anything else or change any equipment a long the way as it does start to cost a bit.

thanx again guys

Wed May 17, 2006, 05:36 AM
Mate that light would be fine, but it will be for purely cosmetic reasons only (You will only have to use it if you want the tank to look good)

If your going to get into discus breeding you gota do things right the first time..

So i say get a 24x18x18 for the pair, and a 48x18x18 for the grow out tank...


Wed May 17, 2006, 08:25 AM
Solid advice there from Mcloughlin