View Full Version : finished quarantine

Thu May 04, 2006, 08:51 AM
To anybody who is new to discus and disputes the idea of quarantining fish - let me say this.

I have just finished treating my fish for disease etc, after 6 weeks of quarantine.

I have had:

1) two out of six fish with HITH when bought - since been cured using metronidazole laced food.
2) then 1 other fish evidence of gill flukes - treated with prazi
3) another 2 different fish with lack of appetite - treated with levamisole

My fish were "healthy" when I got them, no doubt about it. I had two which had early HITH - but thats fine. Treatment with prazi removed gill flukes and tapeworms, resulting in 4 of 6 fish with great colour.

Then a leopard spotted snakeskin and RGD were still quite dark, so treated them with levamisole and a number of little red worms around 2-3mm were seen on bottom of tank. I used carbon to remove remaining med and then re-dosed, resulting in 4-5mm white worms being emitted from fish.

Fish have since all perked up - eating like crazy and showing awesome colours.

Moral of the story - quarantine matters people! Your fish will thank you for it!