View Full Version : How much should i feed my fry

Thu Apr 27, 2006, 02:59 PM
i have 20 odd discus fry that are about 8 weeks old. since seperating them from the parents i have noticed slowed groth rate. my question is how much should i be feeding?
ATM i am feeding 1 block of frozen brine shrimp or blood worm 3 times a day. the fry are about the size of a 5c piece and havnt seemed to have grown in the last couple of weeks.

Thu Apr 27, 2006, 05:24 PM
Time to add beefheart and crushed dry food to their diet. The growth rate does seem to slow at this time, so an extra couple of feeds per day of beefheart, along with the brine shrimp and bloodworms will help a lot. Make sure everything is chopped very fine, they have very tiny mouths.

Daily waterchanges are terribly important too. Nitrate in the water will slow their growth.