View Full Version : Amazing

Thu Apr 27, 2006, 01:56 AM

I had a group of discus fry at the beginning of last week which were not attaching to the adults. I purchased an air filter but could see that many were not surviving.

Things also became less important when my wife went into labour last friday night. After a couple of days at the hospital i came home to inspect my fish. The adults had laid more eggs and there was only one fry from the previous group firmly attached to the adult. I dont know what it ate maybe the algae in the tank as i certanly was not focused on my fish.

Looks like the new fry will attach to the adults fingers crossed. I am a bit scared to turn any lights on as up to this stage they have not had light due to not being here. Just want the fry to attach to the adult. If i use a small table light is the idea to cast a shadow that the fry move to or are they attracted to the light?

Any way i have attached a photo of my new baby girl. Her name is Piper Rose.


Thu Apr 27, 2006, 03:15 AM
NICE FRY!!!!!!
congratulations :)

Thu Apr 27, 2006, 10:57 AM
Congratulations... she is adorable... there is nothing like a little baby girl.... just wait till she hits the terrible twos!!!! its fun!! :-) LOL

Thu Apr 27, 2006, 05:16 PM
Congratulations Darren she's gorgeous, and welcome to the world, little Piper Rose. :P

Thu Apr 27, 2006, 07:53 PM
Hi Darren,
And congratulations, your baby is a beautiful girl. I have 2 GORGEOUS girls and they are all grown up 20, 17. Boy have they kept me busy over the past 20 years. But now I'm able to concerntrate on my new babies--(Fish). :lol: Ashley

Fri Apr 28, 2006, 02:04 AM
Well done Darren!

You must be very proud mate :)


Fri Apr 28, 2006, 10:28 AM
Thanks all for the kind words.

And i thought breeding discus was cool....