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View Full Version : May Meeting of the ADA

Wed Apr 26, 2006, 09:38 AM
The April meeting was a very nice evening.

Sorry to Alan for not brigning any beef heart mix but i was busy trying to place the BBQ in teh boot of the car as well as everything else, discus, shirts etc, etc.

I will try to get teh fish vet for this meeting and if i do i will post it in here.

The April meeting was a very goo done in which we talked about a Discus trip to Malaysia. If anyone is interesting in attending this event then come along adn let us know. There is a limited number of places adn the dates havent been organised as yet but we do have access to use a quarantine room so that fish can be bought and shipped back with ease.

We had a nice social chat around the BBQ both before and after the official part of the meeting.

The numbers attending the meeting are increasing every meeting and this means that all at the meeting have a better time as the socail aspect is much better so if you have been thinking of coming along then now is the time.

Hope to see you all at the next one which is on the 27th of May starting at 7:30pm. We will eb having the BBQ there again so that you don't need to rush around organising dinner, as well as the usual Tea and coffee and a cake for supper.

Happy fish keeping


Mr T
Wed May 10, 2006, 03:15 AM
Hi all new discus keepers (and old).

Just thought I would try and encourage you to the next ADA meeting.
I had been meaning to go along to a meeting for months but was unsure being a beginner so finally went to April meeting.
Must say they were the most helpful group of people.

The only thing they need is more people, so give them a go at next meeting,
Informative meeting BBQ sausage sandwich and stand around talk and learn could it be any easier.
