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View Full Version : Story of hope - I hope

Thu Jul 22, 2004, 10:42 AM
New to discus, bought 2 small blue diamonds 4 weeks ago, added 2 tangerines 2 weeks ago. Bought all 4 fish from same fish store in North Shore, Sydney.

25% water changes, 2 times week. 30 degrees at night, but temp dipped in cold sydney morning to about 28 degrees. No salt. PH above 7, having trouble getting it down - was sold into trying a liquid PH modifier, which I now regret - never had problems with PH before. Also terrible brown algae in tank, even though tank quite well lit. Trying Proper PH 6.5.

Small tank, 80 litres, gravel, 3 plastic plants, sponge air filter, fluval 104.

Last thursday, blue diamonds got white spot , so I treated with formaldehyde and malachite green. 2 days later tangerines showed white spot. After 4 days, white spot cleared up, all were eating during entire time. Treated 2 times, turning off canister filter off for 8 hours, then 50% water change. Then monday, one blue diamond turned black, and stopped eating. Went to back of tank.

A botched attempt at setting up a extra tank, and a super stressed already sick fish 1 day later (started swimming on side) I returned him to his tank. And decided to treat all fish, like it was quarantine for first time.

I was not sure if white spot, and now ? velvet ? was the problem or a secondary disease. No other symptoms like one fin closed or white faeces to help me determine actual problem. Maybe bloodworms ?

Set up a plastic bin bought from Woolies, and poured and treated water at night for the 50% water change following night. Attached heater inside bin.

Proper PH 6.5 seems to be working. PH below 7.

DAY 1 -6

1. Flagyl (metro) - got from doctor in city on Monday. Called SLS to get idea on dosage.

Treat every day, 3 days, 50% water changes daily. 1-2 tablespoon salt per 40 litres.
Turn off canister filter during time, have sponge filter.

After treatment, give fish 3 day break from medicine, but keep up salt and 50% water changes.

Removed any brown algae.

DAY 7-12

2. Deworming (Prazi)

3 days, 50% water changes daily. 1-2 tablespoon salt per 40 litres.
Turn off canister filter during time, have sponge filter.

After treatment, give fish 3 day break from medicine, but keep up salt and 50% water changes.

Removed any brown algae.

DAY 13-18

3. Multicure (Malc Green, Meth Blue) etc.

3 days, 50% water changes daily. 1-2 tablespoon salt per 40 litres.
Turn off canister filter during time, have sponge filter.

After treatment, give fish 3 day break from medicine, but keep up salt and 50% water changes.

Removed any brown algae.


Have fixed up temp problem by using a better heater. Constant 30 degrees now.

OK, it is now Day 3, an after 4 days of a blue discus, shrinking to about 70% of his size, or comparitive to other blue discus in tank, he slowly regained his colour, and greedily ate tonight for the first time in 5 days !

I don't know if it is the metro, salt or water changes, but for once I think he is going to make it.

Anyway, 5 days ago I knew nothing, but because of this forum, and also the www.simplydiscus.com forum, and talking to SLS (who I should of bought my discus from in the first place) I think my little buddy is eating tonight - thanks guys. Also I think water changes, well I think my little buddies think anyway, water changes rock ... they seem to now like it.

Also I have stopped feeding them generic bloodworms, just to be extra safe.

Anyway thank you.

Thu Jul 22, 2004, 04:06 PM
Hope your buddies continue to improve. Over many years with discus I have found you can't beat daily 25% water changes to add size to young discus and to prevent problems. Light feedings 4-5 times daily also help. Stay away from bloodworms for young fish. I only feed them to adults.

Fri Jul 23, 2004, 08:47 AM
its great to hear of storys where the internet was used for good

great to hear your fish are well

Fri Jul 23, 2004, 05:28 PM
only ever feed hikari brand bloodworms...they are good quality.

Sat Jul 24, 2004, 09:40 AM
Looks like my dosing for Monday's treatment of Prazi is off. According to instructions on the back of the Aqua Master Fluke and Tape worm treatment, it says do 1 treatment, then in 48 hours change 25% water, follow it up with another treatment in 7 days.