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View Full Version : I'm in trouble here, please help me

Sun Apr 02, 2006, 09:43 PM
Hi All,

I added 4 discus juvis into my 5 foot tank with Satanoperca Leucosticas 5 days ago.

My discus tails are going from slightly clouded to starting to rot. Just before I added the discus, some of my green horse faces got a slight spot on their eyes which I was told was probably a PH crash. My PH was 6.5 and i adjusted it to 7 (water change and some KH powder).

Well the spots on the green's eyes are more prevolent. It looks to me like some kind of fungus. So basically i have Discus and Green Horse Faces that have different symptoms. The greens are happy enough swimming, eating, but the discus, whilst they look lively, are swimming together near the top of the tank (like they want food).

I need help. I don't have a hospital tank, and I acclimatised the discus as best I could. I know I should quarantine, and have a hospital tank, but I am just relatively new to this, and don't have the resources yet. I just want healthy fish!

This morning I did a 30% water change and added some Melafix.
My PH is at 6.9, GH 8, AMM 0, NIT 0, TEMP 29.5.


Sun Apr 02, 2006, 11:12 PM
Sounds like hole in the head to me ....

Bill T.
Sun Apr 02, 2006, 11:44 PM
Dosen't sound like a pH problem if you only went from 6.5 to 7.0. Anyway, 6.5 is a good pH reading for discus fish. I think you have imported some disease along with the new fish & this needs to be properly identified, and pretty quick, so you know what to treat them with.
I stopped using melafix after a number of bad results. I reckon it does more harm than good for discus.

I suggest you talk to Ladyred asap, or if you can, take a sample fish to a fish friendly vet for diagnosis. Whatever the case, if you start using medication in your tank, I think you will be in for a bit of extra work - keep a close check on ammonium as medication can really stuff your biological filter.

I had lots of these types of problems which I'm sure I made worse with panic treatments. Once I put in a UV steriliser and proper water management practices, these problems pretty well went away.

Good luck.