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View Full Version : Nitrite levels 5.0ppm

Fri Mar 31, 2006, 06:17 AM
Hello everyone.

I have a new tank setup I just tested my nitrite level for the first time and it's about 5.0ppm... It could possibly be higher, but my test kit only goes up to 5.0. What does this mean for my tank - I don't have a nitrate testing kit, and have lost the instruction booklet to tell me what the results mean, and what do do about it. :?

Ammonia is 0.2ppm, ph is 6.0. Its a 173L tank. 1/4 water change 2 days ago

Contents - 1 x 4.5" discus
1 x albino cat
1 x upside down cat
1 x 6" silver shark
1 x sucking cat

Fri Mar 31, 2006, 06:50 AM
OMFG.....5.0ppm :shock: i have no idea how it got that far :roll:

Fri Mar 31, 2006, 07:16 AM
Hello everyone.

I have a new tank setup I just tested my nitrite level for the first time and it's about 5.0ppm... It could possibly be higher, but my test kit only goes up to 5.0. What does this mean for my tank - I don't have a nitrate testing kit, and have lost the instruction booklet to tell me what the results mean, and what do do about it. :?

Ammonia is 0.2ppm, ph is 6.0. Its a 173L tank. 1/4 water change 2 days ago

Contents - 1 x 4.5" discus
1 x albino cat
1 x upside down cat
1 x 6" silver shark
1 x sucking cat

It means you had better start doing 50% Water changes DAILY for the next few days !
5.0ppm !!!!! My god !!!!!!!!!!

Fri Mar 31, 2006, 07:22 AM
since I posted, I've been doing some research - you're right... :oops: shame on me... it's a new tank that is still cycling, so that's why it's up but I wasn't sure what that meant... I do now...

As I mentioned, I have lost the details that tell me how to interpret the tests, can you tell me, when testing for nitrites, do you take the result immediately, or do you have to wait for a minute or two to read the result.

Thanks in advance.

Fri Mar 31, 2006, 07:30 AM
2-3 mins

Fri Mar 31, 2006, 07:43 AM
then its definaTely 5.0ppm. am changing water as we speak. phew. :oops: :cry:

Fri Mar 31, 2006, 12:58 PM
Just a normal part of the cycle Kath, but as you've now discovered, it is dangerous for your fish.

Nitrite peaks then drops very quickly as the second lot of bacteria in your bio filter begin converting the nitrite into nitrate.

Are you using something like "Prime" when you do your water changes. Several brands not only remove chlorine and chloramine from the water, but also lock up ammonia, and nitrite in the water as well, making it less toxic to your fish.

Might be worth having a look at the de chlorinator you have been using, and changing brands if need be.

Sat Apr 01, 2006, 02:27 AM
Thanks - yeah, it's been a day, and a night...

I did a 50% water change last night, got the Nitrite down to about 2.0ppm, then another 50% change thismorning. The nitrites are down to between 0.25 and 0.5ppm... marathon effort with buckets of water.

I'm only using water ager and stress coat, which don't take out any nitrites from the water. How long can a nitrite peak last?


jim from sydney
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 07:45 AM
Thanks - yeah, it's been a day, and a night...

I did a 50% water change last night, got the Nitrite down to about 2.0ppm, then another 50% change thismorning. The nitrites are down to between 0.25 and 0.5ppm... marathon effort with buckets of water.

I'm only using water ager and stress coat, which don't take out any nitrites from the water. How long can a nitrite peak last?


i am interested to find out how you do your readings? they are hard to measure in that range? are you sure they are correct????...Jim