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View Full Version : HELP Discus NOT EATING!!

Sun Mar 26, 2006, 01:56 AM
i purchased a couple of discus( pigeons), they are around 12 cm, they havnt eaten for a week since i have introduced them to the tank. They just ignore the food completely, they are not hiding, but a little shy and not so active. Discus still look healthy, no loss of size or colour.
I saw white stringy poo on one of pigeons today, so does that mean i have to treat them for hex?
All the other discus are eating fine and healthy
I have 10 discus all up around 10-12 cm.
I have another couple of bichirs in with the fish.
I perform two 35% water changes a week.
The tank is been running for 2 months now
I also have a UV steraliser running.

in a 48x30x18

PH: 6.8
Temp: 29.7

the tank is heavily planted, gravel as substrate.
What should i do?

thanks in advance


Sun Mar 26, 2006, 02:16 AM
i would treat for worms and hex. were the fish quarenteened?

Sun Mar 26, 2006, 02:55 AM
no the fish werent, didnt have a quaratine tank set up at the time, wish i did though.


Sun Mar 26, 2006, 03:00 AM
ok, are they in with any other fish that u had before u got these? are they old fish ok? what are you feeding them?

Sun Mar 26, 2006, 03:16 AM
all the other fish are fine, including the ones i added 2 days before i added the 2 pigeons. All are active and eating.
Most of the discus are eating bloodworms only with a couple eating colour bits. And the 2 pigeons i am yet to see eat anything.


Sun Mar 26, 2006, 05:36 AM
ok well i would definetly worm them just to be sure and when someone else see's this thread they might be able to help you out with the hex side of thing. i have never had fish with hex nor treated it so im not ur man there, sorry

Mon Mar 27, 2006, 06:40 AM
Dear Nick 069,

Have you got a picture that you can provide us with ?

That would help