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View Full Version : Bolivian Butterfly Pair

Tue Mar 21, 2006, 06:07 AM
Hi All,

I have a bolivian butterfly pair, who are currently at home with my discus, i bought them as a pair at the shop, apparently the previous owner bred them, so how do i get them to breed ?

And just in case how do i sex them ?

I want to hear the flitter flutter of butterfly fins :)


Tue Mar 21, 2006, 08:28 AM

Crocky should be able to answer that for you - as well as being a really successful Discus Breeder, he also has Bolivian Rams that breed (I bought some from him - pretty fish :) ).



Fri Mar 24, 2006, 11:49 AM
put a small plate bottom up,my bolivian rams love a smooth/glazed spot to layed there eggs.One thing they won't spawn in a tank where there discus spawning don't know why but my fish won't.


Fri Mar 24, 2006, 04:42 PM
altispinosa , if thats what you are talking about are pit spawners
they will dig a depression in open substrate and lay egg's there

sexing is difficult , the best way is to look at the ovipositor that is protruded from beneath the fish at times
the females is more blocky and square whilst the male has a more triangular smaller protrusion

these fish cn be quite hard on each other and non compatible pairs and same sex fish will often harrass each other if there is no room to escape , i a tank enviroment, watch them closely incase they are not compatible and need seperating
