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View Full Version : How many discus in a 3 foot tank

Fri Mar 17, 2006, 12:17 AM
Hi Guys,

I have a 3 foot x 18 x 18 tank which I an going to put discus into. After they grow a bit, I want to transfer them to my display 5 footer.

I was thinking of getting about 8-10 small ones. Is this too many? I will do 30% water changes three times a week. I also have an external cannister filter doing 1200Lph on it.

Also, I am not going to have anything in this tank. No gravel, wood or plants. Nothing except the heater. Is this OK? Do they NEED somewhere to hide?

Thanks everyone!

Fri Mar 17, 2006, 12:39 AM
im know expert but im pretty sure that they dont need anywhere to hide, if theres isnt anything in the tank it will actually make them braver, also its easier to maintain. i would personally be putting 8 in at the most but if anyone can correct me please do so

hope it helps a little


Fri Mar 17, 2006, 10:17 AM
sounds like a rearing tank? just heater and filter, they seem to do ok in there and it is easier to maintain- all the breeders do it that way. not sure on the stocking for baby ones though sorry.

Fri Mar 17, 2006, 12:59 PM
That number will be fine in a three foot tank, so long as you keep up with the water changes. You should be doing them daily, or at least every second day with growing juveniles. Thirtry percent seems about the right amount at each water change.

Sun Mar 26, 2006, 05:49 AM
generally as a rule of thumb, it's 1 adult discus to 10 gallons of water. Your tank has about 45 gallons of water in it, so 4 adult discus would be correct.
As you're just using it to grow out juvies, they'll be fine in there, with all the good advice everyone else has given. Just remember to move them when they get bigger or they'll get stunted.