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View Full Version : Back from the land of "Computer Hell"!

Mon Mar 13, 2006, 01:41 AM
Hi there, I have been lost in the land of CH where your computer decides that you no longer require your picture files and promptly deletes :shock: all digital photos you have taken for the past few months (1000+) that you havent transferred to disc yet! so you spend a whole day trying to find them :book and finally find them in a temp folder without the names that YOu spent weeks giving them.... :twisted: :evil: :roll: :cry: :twisted:

then you lose your internet connection and are advised to re install windows :argue and somehow you end up with 3 operating systems :ug and a frozen computer :coffee and you realise just how much you really dont know about computers and how much you can hate and inanimate object!!!!

Then you finally get it all fixed and you love it again :D :angel ... (as long as it works)

So HI! :thumb I am back for the time being albiet Having lost all my email contacts along the way... :banghead :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
All you can do is laugh!!! :wink:

Mon Mar 13, 2006, 01:52 AM
Aghhhhhhh Sammi I have so been there. I'm sure computers hate me too.

Why can't they just be simple ................................ :roll:

Mon Mar 13, 2006, 01:55 AM
I am just very lucky that I have a friend who is a total computer whiz!!! he helped my back throught the labyrinth of jargon and errors and formatting... etc.... all that stuff that you dont want to know about until you find yourself there!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tue Mar 14, 2006, 04:09 AM
since when has "H..." been a swear word??? my post heading looks like I said something thoroughly atrocious.

Is it because it can be construed as religiously offensive or is it actually technically a swear word.... :?

Just want to know.... ps. I didnt mean to offend if it is considered an offensive word. :oops: