View Full Version : Just for you (ladyred)

Sat Mar 04, 2006, 05:48 AM
Hi All /Merrilyn

Here are a few pics of some wrigglers, I am trying to foster to a different pair as the other parent's haven't got it right yet.The wriggler's where in a planted tank with other adult discus attached to a leaf so we/I picked the leaf off and moved them to a pair - I had with babies about the same age.The foster pair only had 30 wriggler so I left them there and placed the leaf - which most of the wrigglers had drop off, in the tank in some filter wool - which is in a peice of !00mm pipe the fish had layed on (seen in the top photo).It didn't take long before they saw the wriggler's on the leaf and just picked them up in there mouths and spat them onto there own babies. Once I saw that and they where looking for more I just poured the other's in which they also spat onto there nest. I would say there was 100 odd wrigglers - I put in the tank 130 odd in total which some have attached to the pair, but I can't be 100% sure which spawn is which.
The next 48hrs will be make or break and it will take a few weeks to see if any have survived as the foster parent's are turk's the wrigglers are from red colored discus.


Sat Mar 04, 2006, 09:22 PM
Just a quick update all wrigglers are free swimming most of them are on or swimming around the pair.The red wrigglers seem to be a lighter nearly a cream color is thay normal for wrigglers off red fish.


Sun Mar 05, 2006, 01:58 AM
Well done Brad. I wish you all the success in the world with them.

Yes, fry from red parents are normally a cream colour. Fry from blue parents are usually much darker.

Great photos mate.

All fingers crossed now :P

Sun Mar 05, 2006, 02:25 AM
Hi Merrilyn

There still a few that haven't attached and getting stuck on the dirty glass as I was going to clean the tank after getting back from Rye because there was 2 lots of eggs layed the day before I left.
Some have gone missing already but over half the red wriggler have attached,you can see in the second pic I have a divider which has some netting around it which I think they might get threw so I also placed peice of glass last night before they started swimming to make sure.


Mon Mar 06, 2006, 06:59 AM
awsum pics crocky

hows it going with sales you moving the other stock ok?

Tue Mar 07, 2006, 05:37 AM
Most of the wriggler have gone,but the red fish spawn last night and both are fanning the eggs,


Sun Mar 12, 2006, 03:34 AM
Quick update

Red fish wrigglers where left in the with there parents as I had 2 other spawns but they where 2 days behind and didn't think they would take the wriggler when there eggs hadn't hatch yet.
Today all wrigglers had attached to there parent which is there first time just hope the water right so they produce some slime for the wrigglers to eat which there just over 100 of them.