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View Full Version : parenting problems

Fri Mar 03, 2006, 01:25 PM
I have a breeding pair of red melons in a 3*18*18 tank that are having big parenting problems. They are at one another from the time the eggs are fertilized on who is going to look after them. I have tried everything I can think of I have even put in a devider between them no matter what i do it ends up the eggs get eaten (mainly by the male) can anyone help

Fri Mar 03, 2006, 01:34 PM
Hi Melon and welcome to the forum. Red fish are some of the most difficult fish to breed. They seem to have a lot of problems.

It's not unusual for parents to fight over who will look after the eggs, and unfortunately it usually results in eggs or fry getting eaten.

You can try removing the male once the eggs have been laid and fertilised. One parent is well able to raise a brood of youngsters.

Other than that, have you thought of adding another male behind the divider. That way the pair should band together to defend their brood from the intruder. The female should care for the eggs, while the male guards the territory.

Once the fry are free swimming, all usually goes well with the parents, and you can remove the 'intruder'.

Hope that helps.