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View Full Version : Rubbing on Plants, Normal Behaviour ?

Thu Mar 02, 2006, 10:21 AM
Hi All,

sorry i am asking so many questions i just really wanna get this right now i have a beautiful breeding pair.

has anyone with a planted tank seen their discus turn on their side and flick themselves against large leafed plants ?

if so does anyone know why they do this ? whats happening ? is it normal ?


Thu Mar 02, 2006, 11:01 AM
Hi Rob,

I have seen my discus do this, not all the time but some do brush up against the plants.My discus are in great health so i don't think anything of it but maybe other's with more knowlage might shine some light on the subject.


Thu Mar 02, 2006, 11:10 AM
How often do they do that Rob? Once or twice a day is pretty normal, any more than that, and I'd begin to think some kind of skin irritation. Could be water based, or a parasite.

Keep up the water changes, and just watch them for a while.

Thu Mar 02, 2006, 10:13 PM
Not very often i would probably see one or two of them do it each day

Sat Mar 04, 2006, 12:40 AM
i have been watchiing them and have noticed that it seems like they do it after feeding, guess they must get some on them while eating and need to clean it off :)