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View Full Version : Can Someone Help, White Eggs

Wed Mar 01, 2006, 12:39 PM
My pairs laid a few hundred eggs on Monday.

Last night I did a 30% water change. Prime water conditioner was used to treat the water.

Tonight most of the eggs have gone white.

pH, NO2, NO3, NH3/4 all normal. Water temp 30degC.

Any ideas? Some eggs still 'pinkish'.

mike os
Wed Mar 01, 2006, 01:48 PM
sounds like they are unfertilised

sure they are a pair?

Wed Mar 01, 2006, 02:53 PM
They were recently purhased as a pair. I don't actually know because this is the first spawn. Most of the eggs seemed to be OK last night. I'm suspiscious of the water change, but for most of the them to suddenly go white seems a bit strange. Was wondering if this has happened to others.

Thu Mar 02, 2006, 12:44 AM
I purchased a breeding pair in mid januray. They layed eggs streight away which turned white over a 3 day period and then they ate them. This happened over a 3 consecutive week period. My conclusion is that the eggs were not fertilised.

I have softend the water using an RO system and am awaiting them to lay again.

You are not alone...

Thu Mar 02, 2006, 12:45 AM
White Eggs = Unfertilized Eggs.

When you say that they were recently purchased as a Pair, does this mean that they have successfully raised bubbies?

If so, perhaps being moved to a new location may have distracted the Male, and he hasn't done his job properly. Give him a bit of time to settle in.



Thu Mar 02, 2006, 08:22 AM
As Marg mentioned give them time to settle.

Breeding discus is by no means easy!

keep us posted on future spawns.


Thu Mar 02, 2006, 11:22 AM
Thanks all.

Ben, Will do.

Sun Mar 05, 2006, 04:25 AM
Female Discus will lag egg when they are matured.
Most of the female will be experieced their first lagging egg period at aged 1 to 2(usually in summer). This period will occur for a month to 2 months. They will lag few eggs every 1 to 2 weeks during the period.

Sometime two discus get together, but actually u dont know are they really 'Paired discus". Maybe they are "gay" Also, if the male one can't shoot sperm because of lack of nutrition. The nutrition depends on what you feed and how many times you feed per days. If you only feed them with red worm, basically if is very dffcult to for the pair the make baby.

Actually there are many reasons the pair cant spawn . i just pointed out some popular reaons.

Sun Mar 05, 2006, 07:54 AM
hi there also one thing missing to say ,
dont change the water when there is eggs,
a little water temp difference or chem difference
could affect the eggs too, do good water change
when the eggs hatch and the wiggelers become
free swim, due for that is try to reducethe babies
become unformed propaly etc.
,,,, ben

Sun Mar 05, 2006, 10:16 AM
Well, after they finished eating the unfertislised eggs, they started eating each other!!! See results below.

Is this common?

I'll obviously need to look at seperating them next time.

Any ideas how long the tails will take to regrow???

Sun Mar 05, 2006, 10:57 AM
humm they must be real cannibals

Sun Mar 05, 2006, 11:38 AM
hey Dwayne,

start by dividing the pair of with a transparent barrier if possible in the same tank. lower the ph to around 6.0 so their fins dont get infected and heal properly. during this time pack them full of beefheart etc to get them ready to spawn. make lots of water changes and keep the conditions excellent.

after about 2 weeks let them back in with eachother and watch them closely. copntinue water changing. let the ph rise up to about 7 and then slowly lower it down to 6 again.

before the pair spawn make a large water change and then dont w/c while they have the eggs and wrigglers. if they get the wrigglers to free swimming stage THEN make a w/c. during this time feed sparingly as you dont want to pollute the tank.



Sun Mar 05, 2006, 11:48 AM

Thanks. I should have clarified in my previous post that they seem quite happy with each other now. Almost hanging out together after a major blue. Just like being married !!!

Thanks for the advice on the pH and infection. I'll get onto that tomorrow.

Sun Mar 05, 2006, 12:12 PM
thats alright mate, the reason they are fighting is because they are frustrated. if you try and set them up as well as possible for the next spawn you should come out with good results. also make sure there is not too much current in the tank. it will affect fertalisation.


Mon Mar 06, 2006, 03:57 AM
Well they certainly did a job on each other, didn't they. Seems they may be blaming each other for the missing eggs. This sometimes happens. It will take a few weeks for the tails to regrow, but they should grow back to their full glory without leaving any lasting marks.

By all means separate them for a week or two feed them lots of protein foods, and then re-introduce them. They should be keen to spawn then.

Avoid water changes from the time the eggs are laid till they hatch, then resume your normal daily water changes.

Good luck.