View Full Version : Damaged Pectoral fin

fishes zd
Tue Feb 21, 2006, 09:52 AM
Hi everyone,

A couple of days ago I moved a new discus, a turquioise, into my newly cyled 100g tank as she? was being bullied by my dominant red melon from my main tank and I just couldn't stand it any more.

It was constantly, blue flash, orange flash & she stopped (the turquoise) eating and just hid amongst the plants. A day later I also moved in a juvie to keep her company, a red turq.

I have just noticed tonight that one of her pectoral fins is damaged...
The 'webbing' (sorry not sure how to explain it) is broken. I have attached some pics... I am pretty sure it's from the bullying as all her other 'bits' look fine. She is finning like crazy to stay balanced and still not eating...

Any suggestions?? I have been adding Seachems Stress Guard and will continue with that.


Tue Feb 21, 2006, 10:08 AM
my oscar and sev get the odd torn fin, most of the time only around half way down the fin, think its from bumping themselves on things. maybe she caught her fin on something when racing away from that naughty red melon? i dont know much about discus and meds but maybe melafix is worth looking into? sorry i couldnt be of more help :oops:

Wed Feb 22, 2006, 12:06 AM
Hi Kerry, poor thing, she's really got a badly torn pectoral fin. You did the right thing to remove her from the bully.

Add some salt to the tank, at the rate of 1 heaped teaspoon per 40 litres of water. It will help with the healing, and help prevent infection.

Damaged fins usually grow back fully, with no sign of the original injury :P

fishes zd
Wed Feb 22, 2006, 05:37 AM
Thanks Sharn.

Merrilyn I will give the salt a go, many thanks. I hope her fin grows back quickly. I want to add the bully, eventually, but I hope by that time, she will be queen of the new tank, and he'll come down a few knotches lol.
