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View Full Version : Discus young 2 swimming at top + 1 washed around tank

Wed Feb 15, 2006, 05:54 AM
Hi guys,

got 12 discus on the go, babies in an 80L tank. I have had them 6 or so weeks now - some are growing up big and strong others are a bit smaller.

I have two that look a bit stressed they are sitting near the top of the tank but with their noses up a bit but aren't breaching the surface

as well as this I have one that is just getting pushed around by the filter he is the smallest so I am pretty sure he won't be alive when I get back home tonight.

The tank has been established for months - WC every 3 or so days did one two nights ago 30% change - thinking of doing a 50% change when I get home.

I have wormed these recently and apart for this they rest look to be in good health. I have a quarantine tank I intend to move these two swimming near the top to but I don't know what is wrong with them, fins slightly clamped, don't seem to be paying attention aren't scared by you, don't seem to be very hungry

Any thoughts ?


mistakes r crucial
Thu Feb 23, 2006, 07:07 PM
Hi Tom,

Is that a typo, 80L tank, if it is 80L and not 80G it is far too small for 12 Discus. They won't grow out properly and you will always have health issues as they are cramped which will lead to stress. What did you worm them with recently?