View Full Version : ADA information

Sat Feb 04, 2006, 04:38 AM
Just to keep you updated on the ADA goings on.

Yes the ADA website is down, i have just gotten back from 3 weeks holidays and was informed that it was down. We are using this opportunity to now move the site to a new server and i will also then update the site so that it a new improved version hopefully.

The ADA meeting is going ahead this month as always after our 2 month christmas break. The meeting will be held on teh 25th of february. I am unsure as to what will be happening at the meeting but i am planning on bringing along some beef heart food mixture to sell for anyone interested.

I will also bring along some young turqs and goldens to sell as well as well as baby bristtlenose.

Hope to see you all there.


Sat Feb 04, 2006, 08:27 AM
hi i hope u will be in melbourne
that way all us victorian may can meet u and see whats new
,,, ben