View Full Version : stunted discus

Fri Feb 03, 2006, 09:48 PM
Hi All,

I have 10 discus all growing realy nice.Just wondering if you have one that is stunted ,will it catch up or is that the size it will stay? How long will it stay that size or is it a matter of which discus gets the most food.

Would it be worth putting it in a tank with smaller fish till it catch up.

thanks for info...john

Sat Feb 04, 2006, 12:16 AM

mate there are a multitude of possibilities regarding this fish.

1. It could be a dud fish pure and simple
2. Its on the bottom of your tank heirachy therefore it gets bullied and less food. ( hence if your remove it another fish may take its spot )
3. growth rates fluctuate so persist with it and it may just suprise you.
4. the alternative method you suggested is a valid one, if it really worries you then yeah try it but keep your eyes open.

Tue Feb 07, 2006, 08:19 AM
Thanks Nick for info, yes it is at the bottom of the heirachy but it seems to get enough food and looks healthy.

thanks john

Tue Feb 07, 2006, 08:26 AM
id probably persist with it

especially if size is only the real issue.

is that size in comparison or is it "showing" typical signs of being stunted? eg big eyes.....and so on?

Tue Feb 07, 2006, 08:37 AM
Hi Nick, i dont know what a stunted discus is like but it dont look like you suggest.They where the same size to start with but this fellow is not growing as fast as the other's have.

thanks john

Tue Feb 07, 2006, 09:06 AM
i love pics!!!!

pic me mate pic me!!! lol

Tue Feb 07, 2006, 10:34 AM
It's not unual for fish to grow at different rates. The Malaysian breeders separate their growing fish off at least once a week. Smaller fish are kept with others of their own size, and the larger ones are kept together.

That way, all the fish have a chance to reach their full potential.

Having lots of tanks of different size fish is really not practical for a hobbyist breeder, but if you have a chance to put the smaller fish in with others of his own size, I think you will find he will grow normally.