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View Full Version : Agressive Discus

Wed Jun 23, 2004, 06:08 AM
I purchased 6 young discus about 5 weeks ago, 4 were similar size about 6-7cm and 2 were 7-8cm. Since then 5 have grown only a little but one has really shot up. He (I think it's a male) was 7-8cm when I got him but is now I would guess about 10cm. He is very agressive to all the smaller discus but wont show any aggression to a couple of larger discus I have. Actually he keeps following a larger female Red Turquoise and is always doing a shimmer dance around her. Is he very agressive to all the smaller discus because he's trying to impress the female or is he trying to say stay away she's mine :o .
I'm in the process of getting another tank ready and will be putting the female Turquoise in there as well as a male Turquoise I have who's on his own in my display tank. I think he's a male as his fins have pointed ends and the female has curved ends. They're both from the same parents so I'm hopeing he is a male and they pair up.
Anyway back to my problem, once I move the female out should the agression stop or is it just his nature.
Also can anybody tell me why 1 out of the 6 discus would have such a growing spirt leaving the other 5 behind. :shock:

Thanks.. Oscar