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View Full Version : Some pictures of my little babies.

Sun Jan 01, 2006, 11:09 AM
Here are some pictures of my babies and their parents.

However it doesn't seem as though they are growing very fast. I do twice daily water changes of 50% and they seem to eat like pigs. (They struggle to eat the beef heart. How do I get it really fine?)

I feed them 4 times a day and their food includes:
Beef Heart (Fish Dinner variety chopped and mashed fine)
Baby Brine Shrimp (They love this)
Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs (rarely)
Finely Crushed Flake Food.

They are a month old and range in size from .7 to 1.5 cm (approximately not including tail)

Is this normal as these guys are my first go at breeding these fish.

Sun Jan 01, 2006, 11:27 AM
The parents look great!

I find the best way to really grind the beef heart mix is to put small amounts in a food processor with a very small amount of water, blend it till it is fine.

Just make sure when feeding this mix do not over feed and water change soon after as it can pollute the water very quickly.

I know it is tricky but try and increase their feeds to 6 times per day.


Sun Jan 01, 2006, 04:42 PM
Your fry are looking good, but at a month old, they should be a bit bigger than they are. Try increasing the amount of food you offer at each feeding. I think maybe double what you have been offering would be better. If you're doing water changes twice a day, then the excess food shouldn't cause any problems with pollution.

Wed Jan 04, 2006, 09:04 AM
Thanks a lot Merrilyn and Ben.

It may sound silly but since I employed your advice and got the beef heart finer I think that the fry have grown noticably.

This place has such knowledgable people writing on it you know your question will always be answered. I will keep you posted.


Mon Apr 17, 2006, 02:36 AM
too bad you guys are in australia, these babies i would definetely want