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View Full Version : Some recent SLS aquisitions.. Betta macrostoma

Fri Dec 09, 2005, 03:32 AM
These pictures were taken by Dom, my mate, of some Betta macrostoma which SLS aquired and he bought recently.

These are one of the most highly sought after Wild bettas in the world. These fish are only endemic to Brunei and a small part of neighbouring Sarawak in Malaysia. In Brunei, this fish is protected by Royal decree and anyone caught removing this fish from this sovereign state can be punished by hanging to death!


*dom's fish has a bit of tail damage from shipping and handling, but it is recovering and the fish is looking magnificent!

Fri Dec 09, 2005, 07:56 AM
Kev they are certainly beautiful fish.

Here's my wild caught breeding pair. Kev and the team at SLS sent these to me about 4 months ago, and the pair have since spawned 5 times. Breeding in captivity is very rare, but I've been very fortunate to now be raising 25 fry. They are mouthbrooders, with the male brooding the eggs for around 14 days, then releasing a small number of well grown fry.

A few pics of the pair, and some of their growing fry.

Fri Dec 09, 2005, 08:16 AM
Just one more, of the male in his breeding colours.

Fri Dec 09, 2005, 08:21 AM
That's amazing Merrilyn I mean I have never see one of those before... they remind me of a guegon (Spelling) lol ... they look very interesting not just your typical fish :wink:

Fri Dec 09, 2005, 08:37 AM
They are such beautil fish Rick, I'm dedicating half my fishroom tanks to breding them. Kev is arranging the shipping of another 2 wild caught pair so I can hopefully begin an Australian breeding program. Just have a look at the colours of these fish.

Fri Dec 09, 2005, 08:41 AM
Hey why do u do this to me Merrilyn I always have to buy a new keyboard from the amont of DROOL going on it :oops:

LOL there stunning fish might have to come vist ya will im in Melbourne around christmas time for the 4 days im there for a wedding :wink:

Do these prefer the more planted aquarium and do they eat just normal food oe do they eat more like mosquito larve and stuff like that?

Just such nice colour looks like the been air brushed with paint :shock: