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View Full Version : Long distance hello

Tue Nov 29, 2005, 04:01 PM
Hello everybody,

Visited a few times this forum and I thought it would be time to subscribe and introduce myself.
My name is Jeroen and I am from holland.
At this moment I have 3 tanks (sorry but sizes I only now by cm)

120x55x72 showtank
120x55x60 split in two with seperated filters 1 couple fire red, 1 couple checkerboard
120x55x60 should be grown up tank, have split in two now with 1 couple marlboro/santarem and 1 couple malrboro/arancio

All couples I have not longer then 6 weeks so I guess, fire reds 3 times have eggs (is that the right word ?) but unfortunally no luck yet.
Checkerboards had eggs but were eating soon...so no either.
Another couple comes in tommorow (see attachement) I liked them a lot so bought them...if there don't breed that's fine, then I like them also a lot in my showtank.

Water values overhere are reasonble (from the tap) almost no chemicals, ph 6.8 and 210uS

My show tank is temp. I have stopped my discus hobby 9 years ago because I was short of time, now I am back to it.
If everything goed well I want to have a bigger tank (arond 1500 liters)

About me:
34yrs, Father of 2 beautifull daugthers
Have an internet company and next to that a fanatic photographer (see my websites)
At this moment I am setting up my own discus (hobby) website

Later I will post some pics


Tue Nov 29, 2005, 11:13 PM
Hello Jeroen, and welcome. It's wonderful to have you join us. We have several international friends, some also from Holland.

You have some very beautiful fish there. Good luck with your breeding program.

Tue Nov 29, 2005, 11:32 PM
Hi Ladyred,

Tanx for your warm welcome.
The breeding program...yeah, I really hope it will work out, the tapwater is pretty good so that shoudn't be the main problem.
At this moment I mix with osmose water, and that way I maintain a 150Us...should be allright for breeding (other values are ok also)
5 mated pairs...If only one of them would do I would be so happy, my favorite would the fire red's (very nice colours)


Tue Nov 29, 2005, 11:34 PM
Welcome to the Discus Forum Jeroen!

You have some excellent looking discus, well done! and thanks for sharing the photographs.


Tue Nov 29, 2005, 11:51 PM
Hi ben,

Photographs will come soon some more (in the right section)
Just need to find some time to make the pictures...


Ps Is there any pics of your discus at the photoalbum ?

Wed Nov 30, 2005, 01:20 AM
hi mate and welcome nice looking discus u have there


Wed Nov 30, 2005, 01:49 AM
Hi Axel

Tanx for your welcome.
I justed posted a msg at the breeding section.
After a proper cleaning today and water change all 4 couples start to be active.
Dancing arrount, cleaning cones....amazing thing to see them all at the same time so active, Hope to find something nice when I wake tommorow :-)

Wed Nov 30, 2005, 02:15 AM
Jeroen, i have a few breeding pairs but here is a link of my favourite!

