View Full Version : First serious attempt!

Bill T.
Tue Nov 15, 2005, 05:38 AM
I recently moved a pair of red turq's from my community tank into an 80litre tank, set up with an eheim canister filter, a piece of sponge over the intake tube, a small amount of gravel and a couple of "breeding" cones.
These two had laid eggs on many occasions, which would reach free swimming stage, only to dissappear overnight - presumably due to other fish eating 'em.
Anyway....after about two weeks of "sulking" and refusing to talk to me, they have now put down a batch of eggs (now 2 days old).

Any hints on what to do next?

Tue Nov 15, 2005, 12:58 PM
Just leave them alone.

Feed them as usual, I would suggest to keep the light on 24/7.

This will help parents to take care of the eggs.

Any pictures for us ?? ^^

Good luck

Bill T.
Wed Nov 16, 2005, 05:29 AM
Well .... darn!!!!
They seem to have eaten the eggs. Never did this whilst in the community tank. I will persist & see how they go next time.

Wed Nov 16, 2005, 05:50 AM
Hello Bill, Just let them keep trying, they'll get it right sooner or later. They may have simply got a firght, and eaten the eggs to keep them 'safe'.

Wed Nov 16, 2005, 09:48 AM
Hi Bill,

Just a thought but it might be worth taking the gravel out of the breeding tank....go bare bottom.
This will enable you to keep the aquarium floor bottom nice and clean and in the future there will be less hidey holes where the fry can disappear too.

Keeping breeding tanks as simple as possible is the way to go.

Keep us posted when they spawn again.


Bill T.
Thu Nov 17, 2005, 03:44 AM
Thanks guys. Perhaps they did get a fright - I turned the light on which seemed to really spook them. Now I will just leave them to it & see what happens.