View Full Version : Couple of spotted discus spawning..

Thu Nov 03, 2005, 08:17 AM
These guys were both too timid to get food in the main tank but now I guess they've found love lol..



Thu Nov 03, 2005, 10:20 AM
they look great...nice colours and patterns

Thu Nov 03, 2005, 10:47 AM
excellent discus and awesome pictures!
well done!!!


Thu Nov 03, 2005, 11:27 AM
Great shots. Congratulations. What are you using for a spawning cone.

Thu Nov 03, 2005, 10:31 PM
Great guns - looking forward to the fry pics :)

Fri Nov 04, 2005, 12:46 AM
Thanks for the support everyone! Seeing as they are spawning in a community, I doubt we'll see fry but I'm not setup at the moment to give them their own spawning tank anyway. Hopefully a few spawns defending them from the other discus in the community will cement their relationship:) I must say they are much better parents than any other pair I've had, so far they are keeping the other fish on the other half of the tank.

The spawning cone is a ceramic glazed pot I got from a company called 1/2 price pottery. It has a shape just like the normal brown discus spawning pots but comes in different colours. I picked white because many on this forum said to use light colours so the fry can find the darker parents, and I had a pair of white swans lol..

Has anyone had successful wrigglers come about in a community? It isn't heavily stocked, it is a 4x2x2 with maybe around 6 adults and a couple of juveniles.

Below is a slightly better pic of the male, what do you think would come out of such a cross?


Fri Nov 04, 2005, 03:55 AM
Pigeon snakeskins is going to be a large part of it. U'll see lots of pigeons.

Sun Nov 06, 2005, 12:47 AM
oooh too many fish in that tank

id say bugger all chance of any survival in that tank!

time for you to get a breeding setup ! good luck

Sun Nov 06, 2005, 01:24 AM

Congratulations to you friend.


Sun Nov 06, 2005, 02:30 AM
Thanks again everyone. Yes, that tank is where I put all my timid discus because in the planted 6x2x2 sometimes the shy ones just hide and waste away! I've lost a couple of fish to that now but in their own tank they perk up immediately, but this is the first time they've gone from clamped up and hiding to spawning in just a week lol.

How does everyone deal with this? Or is it just me who has those really shy discus that prefer to starve than compete for food?

Kev, do you think that the babies from this pairing will be ugly pigeons or is it worth giving them their own setup? Obviously I'm a newbie to breeding these guys and know next to nothing about genetics, but I've heard it typed many times that pigeon x non pigeon = very dusty pigeons...


p.s. BTW they ate the eggs the next day all of a sudden after tending carefully to them for many hours. I think this blue turq pair I have in there have sort of pressured them off the cone.. now they are taking possession of it..

Fernando Leite
Sun Nov 20, 2005, 12:05 PM
How does everyone deal with this? Or is it just me who has those really shy discus that prefer to starve than compete for food?

Hi !

I have the same problem as you, but I think itīs quite normal to have shy Discus that prefer starve instead of fighting for food.

It happens all the time in my Discus tank but the worst is that I have there a couple of young Discus that donīt eat as they should because theyīre afraid of the adults struggle.

So they wonīt be as big and strong as the other ones... And thereīs nothing I can do about it !

Discus have two thoughts in mind: First they want to eat as quickly as they can and second they want to be sure that the other ones donīt eat at all !!! :? Itīs their nature !

And of course they fight to find a "girlfriend" and they enjoy to make love :lol: :lol: :lol:

Who doesnīt ? :lol:

Sun Nov 20, 2005, 08:57 PM
Hi Vincent,

Breed them together and see for yourself how clean the fry are, its complete rubbish that pb crosses are dusty and ugly as it varies greatly. Even 2 super clean pbs throw a percent of dusty babies.
