View Full Version : MONO SEBAE - interesting fellows

Sat Oct 22, 2005, 10:57 AM
I went to the LFS to only buy fish food, but came home with some new additions ... this probably is very familar with all of us ;)

I saw these guys and had to have them when they so energetically ran to the front of the tank. Instead of doing my research I bought them on the spot (this is very out of character but I have not had the need (read this as space) to buy a new fish in ages) .... I hope I don't regret this ?

Anyhow these are my new guys, in a community tank, Mono Sebae ... Aussies. They apparently grow to about 20 cms ... they look abit angle fish like at the moment ... except they have sooo much energy.

Sat Oct 22, 2005, 11:15 AM
Beautiful fish dave. I had one which I put in with my mono argentus and he got chased around and bullied by the arg so then I put him in with my angel and he was chasing and bullying my angel so I separated them and was in the process of growing him out a bit with the intention of trying again with the arg once he had got closer in size but unfortunately had a thermostat prob with heater overnight once and next morning everyone dead except Angel and clown loach (temp reached 36 degrees or something ridiculous!) So I was very upset...
Anyway this is what I know about them... They are quite nippy and will chase others and each other to the point of harrassment at times.. They don't get along with mono argentus although from same family... and they are a brackish fish so as they get older they require more salt in their water to be totally happy. In saying that My scat (also brackish fish) is over 6 years old and lives with oscars and silver dollar with virtually no salt, only a couple of teaspoons every month or so if that and he has grown to the size of my hand in that time.

Good luck with your sebae I personally love them they are one of my favourite fish.

Tue Oct 25, 2005, 06:20 AM
NIce fish

Check this site out http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=967

Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 75-82°F; pH 7.2-8.4; KH 8-12; KH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 8"
Color Form: Silver
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Coastal West Africa
Family: Monodactylidae

Tue Oct 25, 2005, 06:29 AM
i cant locate anything about it being an aussie fish,, from all reports ive found

its african
it grows big
it requires brackish water ( salt water - fresh water mix )
and its semi aggressive
- not a discus mate id recommend

love the big wings that it develops

Tue Oct 25, 2005, 09:48 AM
Hey all,

was just looking through the 'tank mates' forum and saw this -


By the sounds of it, Dave has them in a comunity tank and not with his discus. Just thought that post my help :D


Dee :)

Wed Oct 26, 2005, 03:58 AM
Dave, u neither got an Aussie native, nor a fresh water fish, nor a community fish..... :?

U've got M.sebae though.

African coastal finger fish. Will need to increase the salt levels as the fish grows, ultimately to marine. Not suitable for a peaceful community tank as these are aggressive nippers. In the wild they are found in large shoals, but in tanks, they tend to knock each other off till only 1 remains as they reach maturity.

SAVAGE plant eater.

Mono argenteus is found around the estuaries of northern Australia. I don't know if you can strictly call them Aussie natives either. They're also found all over the indo-pacific region. Another fish not recommended for a peaceful community tank. Would work well if you were trying to create a brackish tank with monos, scats and archers....

Bet the LFS didn't tell u anything 'bout this fish eh? :wink:

Wed Oct 26, 2005, 11:40 AM
No, they didn't ... this is not what I want. Hmmm. Thanks for this important information, Kev.

They haven't touched any of my other fish yet. Looks like I will be returning them to the LFS this weekend, to see if I can get some credit atleast. :(

I would love to have a brackish tank, including an archer fish ... they are too kewl.

I will probably get some more apistogramma ... will try to pop into SLS on Saturday.